Positive or Negative?

Start from the beginning

That's what I love about us, we don't have to talk to each other every second. We can just enjoy each other's company without it being awkward. I look around the room, noticing some familiar faces from some of my other classes.

I find my eyes resting over to Beau's table, I should look away but I can't help myself. My eyes linger longer than I intended, but it is broken once I notice light brown cool eyes with a hint of green staring right back at me.

I quickly look away from Luke's angry eye contact, and focus my attention back to my table. Oh no he caught me staring, that's so embarrassing! I feel his eyes still lingering, and I try to contain myself. I really do, but before I know it I'm looking right back at him. But only I'm not confronted by brown eyes, instead I am embraced by the emerald green eyes I know ever so well.

Beau raises his eyebrow surprised, at the fact that I caught him staring and quickly looks away. I can't help smiling, at the fact that now he is the one looking vulnerable. I decide to stop staring but just before I do, Beau takes a not so sneaky glance back at me.

He looks taken aback once again, and I bite my lip from laughing. "What you looking at?" He mouths.

"You." I mouth back, before breaking eye contact to take a bite of my nutella sandwich.

"Must be a good sight." I am surprised that I even manage to read Beau's lips, but somehow I do.

"Nah I've seen better." I mouth back, and turn my head before I can get his answer. I'm not quite sure if he understood what I said since I can't see his face, but I've got a feeling he did as I feel his eyes still burning into me from the corner of my eyes.

Beau... why is it that by only a stare from him, can make my heart race and warm up so quickly. I realise I have zoned out big time, and quickly try to regain myself without trying to draw attention to myself from Fiona or Emma. But as I'm sitting down, I notice the sudden pain in my back which I try to ignore.

"What do you think Cassie?" Fiona asks me, a glint of humor in her eyes.

I quickly finish off my sandwich before speaking, so I have some time to process what to say. I didn't hear them talking. So either I really did zone out with Beau, or they're mucking around with me.

"What do you think Cassie?" Emma repeats, with a humorous smile now on her face.

"About what?" I ask, totally confused as to what their talking about and I know that they can tell.

"About the toe." Fiona says, with a serious tone. I can't tell whether she is joking or not.

"The toe?" I repeat, scrunching up my face confused.

"Yeah the bruised toe?" Emma replies in a serious tone, similar to Fiona's.

"Who has a bruised-?"

"You know, what we're talking about." Fiona interrupts me.

I stare at the both of them, trying to figure out whether they're lying. "No I don't!" I say raising my voice in frustration with them being so vague about it.

"Who are you talking about?" I cross my arms, pouting.

"You know... Barney." Emma blurts out, a little too enthusiastic to me.

I feel the anger trying to rise to the surface, but I control it. Well most of it... but I'm pretty sure they can tell I'm getting annoyed, as not long after looking at me Fiona bursts into laughter which leads to Emma as well.

"Barney the dinosaur." Fiona adds on, trying not to laugh mid-sentence which only leads to her snorting at the end of her sentence.

Yep... definitely mucking around.

The Bet Beau Brooks (A Janoskian Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now