Chapter 1 - First Interview

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Aria's POV

Late! I'm so late!

Being a new rise popstar isn't easy, I must tell you that. It's one interview to the other and one photo shoot to the other. And don't even get me started on the song writing progress.

Being new in this industry can be very hard. I don't really know what to do and what to expect. I still get help with the song writing process but I'm trying to maybe write one song on my own.

And right now I'm so late for an interview, and that's not good if your new. 'You must make a good first impression' my manager said but right now, I'm not making a good first impression if I'm late for my first interview and to top it all, the nerves aren't helping one bit.

I published a few songs so people know who I am but this was my very first interview and I need to nail it.

I got in my black Range Rover that my manager got me. She said that people are going to start to recognize me so I need to ride in style. Not that it really matter to me, I could ride in a Mini Cooper and I would be happy, as long as I have a car.

I got at the studio in no time. I got out of my car and rushed into the studio.

As I was running down the halls my phone started to ring. 'Just great' I though to myself.

Still running I tried to get my phone out of my purse. Suddenly I ran into something hard, or more like in someones hard chest. I fell to the ground hard cause the impact when I ran into the person was kinda hard.

"Oh, sorry love, I didn't see you there," I heard someone say. It was clearly a man, his voice raspy with a British accent.

I look up at the man and was met with the most beautiful emerald green eyes I have ever seen.

"No, I'm sorry, I didn't look where I was going," I say and tried to stand up.

"Let me help you," he says and reached his hand out for me to take. I take his hand and stand up.

"What's your name, love?" He asks me.

"Aria Smith," I say with a smile.

"Nice to meet you Aria, I'm Harry Styles." He gives me his hand to shake. I shake his hand smiling up at him because he is longer than me, very longer.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" He asks me.

"Well, now that you mention it, I gotta go, I'm so late for an interview. It was nice to meet you, Harry." I say and start to run past him.

"You too, hope to see you again." I hear him say but I don't have time to respond to him.

Katherine, my manager, is not going to be happy with me, that's for sure.

Finally I reach the room I'm suppose to be in. I rush into the room and see Katherine with a make-up artist.

"Where were you?" Katherine asks me very rudely. Man, she is angry with me.

"I'm so sorry Katherine. I overslept, my alarm didn't go off and then the traffic was terrible. I'm sorry, it won't happen again." I say looking down. I can't look into her eyes right now because all I see is anger.

"This better not happen again, Aria. Your new, you must make a good impression."

"I know, I'm sorry."

"Okay, well let's get you ready, your interview is in 15 minutes."

I nod and walk over to the high chair the make-up artist has and sit down. Then she started doing my hair and make-up.

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