What should I Do???

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Chapter 12:

My mind was everywhere at this moment. He would occasionally look, wink and start waving and winking at other people, he’s started being really cocky and I don’t appreciate it at all. When we finally reached my locker he finally let go of my waist and leant against the locker beside mine. He looked at me with this smirk that creeped me out. “What are you staring at?” He’s starting to get really annoying now. “Just your beautiful face and how much you don’t like attention.” Yea he was right, I guess. I didn’t like speaking in front of people and even talking to him was a challenge. “Yea, this is really uncomfortable for me.” I looked down and stared at my green and blue Levis. He held my chin and lifted my face up to meet his. His eyes were a green-blue colour just like mine but his were softer. I melted on the inside. “This is the easy part babe,” OMG, now he sounds like Rick!! “You will just have to remember that we belong together and this is just everyone being jealous of us.” I sighed and said “OK Babe” I leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. When I turned around to walk away I immediately saw Stacey at the end of the hall looking cheeky and mischievous. I didn’t want to walk down there but it was the only way to go to the big oak tree. I slowly but surely started to walk towards her with Michael’s gaze on me the whole time. I felt insecure and exposed while I slowly walked to my usual hang out spot. When I finally reached Stacey the first thing she said for the day was “Heyyyyy, You and Michael huh? Never would’ve guessed.” I rolled my eyes and walked around her. I was walking so fast she had to jog to keep up. “Hey,” She said, “Have you heard about the camp coming up in a month?” Are you for real?!?!?! “A CAMP!!! Seriously that is the last thing I need right now!” She laughed to herself and said well at least you can spend more time with your new boyfriend.” She winked at me and I returned it. She can be so annoying at times but she is the only person I can tell my secrets too. “Yeah, just can you shut up about that now, your making it really awkward for me and that's the last thing I need at the moment.” She seemed to have got the point and shut up for the rest of the way. When I found the tree all I saw was Derek sitting in his favorite spot munching away on a vegemite and butter sandwich. “Hey Derek, Where's Anna?” He swallowed and looked up. His stare said it all. “Where is she Derek?” I spoke with a firmer tone now. “I, I, I don’t know I promise!! It’s just that lately she has been acting awkward and I think she is going to do something she regrets” He looked like he was desperate for a hug so I gave him one of my special bear hugs. After I let go we all sat down and discussed some places where Anna could be. “She could be at the dentist?” “Nope, she was in my class just then, they would’ve called her then” “She could be at her locker?” “Half way through lunch? I don’t think so” We all tried to think of some places where she could be but they all turned out to be pointless. We started to get worried because when Anna is afraid or hurt she will do something she regrets and sometimes it’s something that’s a bit over the top. “Ok, think guys, she would have to be at school because it’s not like her to wag school” Stacey and I strolled over to the girl’s bathroom to see if she was locked up in there. And partly because I needed to go badly. I totally forgot of what had happened this morning until Michael came up behind me and hugged me around the waist. Of course I didn’t know who this person was so I grabbed his hands and turned him over onto his back. I looked down and gasped with shock. OMG, what have I done?!?!?! I helped him up and took him to the sickbay. I told Stacey to keep looking for Anna even though I wasn’t there. When I went into the school corridors Michael quickly jumped out of my arms and kissed me deeply for about, what seemed like, 10 whole minutes!!! OMG This had got to be the best part of my day!!!

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