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Chapter 2:

I’m just getting my mind off that thought and I’m now driving in front of the school and I see Stacey at the front gate. She looks like she was just crying. Hold on I think she was! Mr Drake drove past the front gate and into the teacher’s parking. I was just about to argue with him but my mind was in different places today,  I wasn’t bothered to argue with Mr Drake ( who always wins). This always happens on a Monday for some reason. I think I am cursed because I get these sudden chills and I see these awkward things. The car stopped and Mr Drake told me to get out of the car. I did and all the teachers were outside leaning against their cars having a chat and some of them were smoking, trying to be secret ( just to tell you, it wasn’t very secret!) The teachers act like they know everything but I bet you they know nothing ( it’s amazing how they got their degree in teaching, especially Ms Arianna). Ms Arianna is our creative arts teacher and she is insane. She dresses really awkwardly and walks like a weird model!?!?! In drama she makes us ‘ method act ‘ and it is so lame!! But Zoe loves it for some reason but I don’t want to ask her or she will just burst out crying or have an attitude attack. Zoe has them a lot, it’s when she starts snapping at you for no particular reason. It’s really weird (even Derek thinks so!?!) We started walking up to the front gate and all the teachers were staring at me, I looked up at Mr Drake and he was paying no attention to them. It was amazing how he was the centre of attention and he didn’t worship it??!! When we reached the front gate Stacey literally came up to me and squeezed me till I had to pull her away by force! She started talking about Rick and something he did but I was in another world. I saw something when me and Mr Drake drove past the front gate, I saw something but I couldn’t be sure that it was what I saw. See I have a special talent for seeing……………. G h o s t s :D. I know its weird but I was born with it. I used to see them when I was little and when I did I was so freaked that my mum took me to the doctors. The doctor said it was anxiety but I knew what it was. I haven’t told anyone about it because I’m afraid that they would freak and tell someone else and I don’t want that to happen at all!! They would experiment on me like I was an alien and no offence to aliens but I don’t want to be one of them!! Anyway she ended up crying again and from the corner of my eye I saw Rick and his stupid friends laughing at her and I had a feeling that he broke her heart!! I was so furious that my heart was pumping rapidly, my blood was hot and my emotions took over. I started marching to him, he turned around and I punched him! He was lying on the ground with a broken nose and then I ran back to Stace and she was thankful that I considered her feelings but she was so gobsmacked at what I did!! I knew what goes around comes around so I would get in lots of trouble. It was like my mind took over me! The bell went and I ran to my locker avoiding the gazes of Rick and his friends. On the bright side he won’t call me babes again!?!?!?! In homeroom I was so unsettled the teacher kept on staring at me with the what’s wrong face,  I replied with the don’t worry face signal and she continued the roll call. The worst part of homeroom is that Rick was in it! He obviously went to the sick bay because his nose was wrapped with band aids and bandages. He was boasting to other girls that he was in a big fight and this was a battle wound, I just think he’s to chicken enough to admit that he was punched by a girl! When homeroom was over I walked past him and he backed away to let me through?? I think he’s thinking that I would punch him if he doesn’t do what I say?!?!?! Ha that’s so funny!! I went to English, sat down in my usual spot, opened my book and…… I saw it again!! The mysterious ghostly looking thing. I kept on staring and then the teacher came in and started the class. I scanned the classroom and the ghostly figure was gone. The class went on and on for ever!!! The bell went and when I was walking out of the door and some cold breeze against my neck I suddenly turned with my hand flying helplessly around with me and I was so shocked at what I hit, THE TEACHER. The worst possible one……

Mondays... The days my world changesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat