Me, Myself, and I

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Chapter 1:

“Yeah Mum, coming down.” Monday morning...... AGAIN. I hate Monday’s; it’s the day that boring, boring, boring school starts. But the worst thing about Mondays is that I have to see my best friends yuck, yuck, yuck boyfriend!!! He’s a complete moron and he calls everyone BABES!!! I absolutely hate him but I can’t tell my BFF (Stacey) this stuff or she’ll hate me!! “What’s for breakfast Mum! It better not be Bacon and Eggs.” I absolutely hate bacon and eggs. Now you’d think I hate everything but your wrong because I like a lot of tings like purple and tigers and I absolutely love Dustin Quaver! He is such a dream!  My friends don’t, they hate him but I like to be different from everyone else don’t you? Seriously if everyone was the same we would not be able to help each other in other areas of life. So please agree with me (I’m trying out to be the new girl school captain of the school and I have been practising every morning in case it just pops out anywhere at any timeJJJJ).“It’s cereal darling. Now get down here before your late for school. Have u brushed your teeth and done your hair because yesterday it was disgraceful and did you pack you’re….” “BAG” “Geez. Yes!!!!!!!!!!! Mum.” My mum is so protective. She doesn’t even let me walk to school and it’s just down the road!!!!! My friend (Stacey) lives 1 kilometre away from school and her mum lets her walk there and look at me!  It’s so unfair. “GET DOWN HERE ALREADY DARLING. HURRY UP!” “Coming down, take a chill pill. 7:45 already. I’m meant to be at school at 8:00. OH NO!!!! I still haven’t told Stacey about my…………………. Secret. Well she should know but I can’t tell her. She won’t believe me. She won’t at all. All she will do is stare at me with that ‘what are you talking about girl’ face. Her boyfriend is always near her and I think he has to agree with her or he is in big trouble. That’s how Stacey is a lot of the time. Rick has nothing in common with Stacey except for both of them liking the colour pink!!! I know, why would a boy like the colour pink? Well Rick is like a girl in guy disguise. He thinks as everyone as their girlfriends and treat them really awkwardly and I don’t seriously know what he did when he was a child. He might of bumped his head real hard and got brain injury or fallen down an indoor rock climbing exercise and broken something because this guy is just plain weird and sometimes he can really go off his brain and he thinks the teacher is his mum or dad so he runs up to them and squeeze hugs them. It’s hilarious and it never gets old! The worst thing about this all is that Rick is literally my NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He lives in front of my house. I know. He just moved in a week ago and he treats me like I’m his sister. Seriously, I am not related to him at all!!! I hate him more than Amelia Hoffman. She is the worst friend that you could ever have. She can be awful at times but she does help you with problems (in maths of course). She is like the teacher’s daughter or what we call the pig tother. It’s another word for ‘teacher’s pet’. Talking about Amelia my other friends, Anna , Zoe and Derek are the best friends you could ask for (except for those times when you have a girl problem, I don’t personally go to Derek first). My teacher Mr Drake is a very strict man who always wants the best from you, he can get a little bit stressful at times but he is pretty good most of the time (I said that because he was looking over my shoulder but he really a heap of garbage, no one wants him as their year eight teacher). He would give you mountains and mountains of homework every day but he gives me a page of homework so everybody hates me in history. Yep Mr Drake is my favourite subject’s teacher and I HATE him. Mr Drake lives right next door and he drives me to school for my mum. She really appreciates it so that she can settle down from the INCIDENT. My Dad died three years ago of liver disease and my mum is still depressed about it. He died from liver disease because he was an alcoholic. He used to drink a case of beer every day and was going to get a critical surgery on his liver but when the brought him in the operation room, it was to late. So Mr Drake drives me to school every day. I hate him so much because he treats me like I’m special and I’m not. Sorry I have been blabbing on about stuff I hate and I have’nt even told you about myself. I AM SO STUPID! Aren’t I? Do not answer that question. Well I love pink and I absolutely hate dancing. Stace does to. I love my friends and my family and I always make people laugh except for Mr Drake. He is so serious all the time and I think he has a crush on my mum. EEEEEWWWWW! Imagine my mum marrying my HISTORY TEACHER?!?!?!?!?!??!!

Mondays... The days my world changesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora