What's Her Problem

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Chapter 7:

Oh, how I wish he would not be alive so that I wouldn’t have to worry about him. Well, I tried to think of something else. When is this class going to finish!! Anna looked like she was going to fall off her chair any moment.  What is wrong with her lately. Well, it’s not my problem is it? Bring Bring Bring Bring. YAY, I finally get to go out of here! I walked so fast out of that class it was like I was on turbo mode. I could hear Anna behind me panting and wheezing (she has asthma). I turned the corner, came to a halt in front of the art classroom and started to explain what had happened in Ancient History. I think Anna is sick and tired of me talking about Michael because whenever I mention his name she rolls her eyes and sighs heavily. “Why do you do that?” “Do what?” “Roll your eyes like that” “Well, I do that because you talk about him so much and it gets annoying” I just realised that I do talk about him a lot and it would be annoying. “Sorry Anna” “It’s alright Ratty” I absolutely hate that nickname but my friends still call me that. “You know I hate that nickname” “Yea, but it’s funny seeing your reaction when I say it”. OMG. I can’t believe what I’m seeing! Is that Michael and the…..Ghost! Are they talking to each other. Ok, just keep calm girl. It’s just your imagination. I look at Anna and see if she can see what I’m witnessing but of course she jus thinks that I am staring at Michael. Man, why is Michael talking to the Ghost? If he can see ghosts too than that means he can help me capture them and discover more about them. I took another glance and Michael just to see him staring right at me then turn back at the Ghost pointing at me while nodding his head. What was Michael doing with that Ghost. The one that sort of attacked me in the Art room. I considered walking up to Michael pretending I couldn’t see the Ghost but Anna pulled me into the next corridor to go to our lockers. I swear Anna can be very demanding sometimes, like that time when I wanted to sit at the back near the window (like I usually do) but Anna wanted to sit at the front near the door. I had to or her ‘feelings’ would be crushed (as she likes to describe it). I took my last glance at Michael and the Ghost but the Ghost wasn’t there anymore! Michael was walking away from the conversation with the Ghost and coming towards me and Anna. I started to walk faster than Anna and it looked like she was killing herself trying to keep up with me. Michael started to gain speed and looked like he was on a mission to keep me in his sight. I turned around corners and travelled through long corridors but he still could keep me in his eyesight. After 5 minutes of going through the corridors, trying to lose Michael, I just give up when I reach my locker. Michael looks like he is out of breath and starts to walk towards me acting all cool. He was strolling towards me with a ‘cool’ look upon his face. “Hey M Man!” I swear I was so freaked out about earlier! What was he talking about with that, that thing! Was the Ghost asking if Michael knew I had the power? Aghhh I have no idea what to think at this moment. “Hey R Man, was up?” “Ummm, Nothing. You?” “Nothing really, why were you staring at me?” “No I wasn’t!” OMG, did he really ask me that? “Yeah you sooooo were watching me talk to myself.” “No you weren’t. You were talking to the Gh……” OMG I nearly gave it away! “What did you say?” “Ummm, I didn’t say anything that matters to you” OMG. “look! If you saw what I was talking to, just say it, ok!” “I didn’t see anything, ok!” Anna was still grasping my wrist while I was arguing with Michael. Her grip was tightening every time I raised my voice. I think it was a warning that other people were watching because around 15 people were watching from the other side of the hallway. I turned away from Anna and faced Michael who looked like he was going to explode any moment so I just wrapped up the conversation. “Michael, listen to me very closely. I didn’t see you talk to whatever you were talking to and try to believe me.” I leaned forward and whispered in his ear. “And your sort of creating a scene right now” I winked and turned away from a gobsmacked Michael and continued down the hallway to mine and Anna’s locker. When we reached Anna’s locker she finally let go of my wrist (man she has a tight grip!) and started to gawp at my face like I had a huge octopus on my face. “Anna, why are you so surprised, did I do something wrong?” “OF COURSE YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG! ARE YOU TELLING ME THAT YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU DID WRONG?” “Well Anna, What did I do wrong, but keep your voice down this time.” Jesus, why is Anna so touchy right after the most embarrassing moment in my life. “Anna? Are you going to talk to me or not?” I stared into Anna’s eyes seeing if I could find any sign of forgiveness. “Why did you stare at him when I specifically told you not too?!”.

Mondays... The days my world changesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora