Friends are always there... maybe

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Chapter 9:

I walked out of the bathroom, into the corridor and joined the bustling crowd. I tried to think why Stacey is so upset and offended by what I said? What would’ve happened If I would’ve told her earlier in life? Would she have reacted the same way that she had now? I walked through the back door of the school, strolled over to the big oak tree and slid down the rough tree trunk. I was going to start to cry when I heard a rustle through the bushes. I turned to the noise, stood up and tip-toed over to the bushes. I peered over the side and I saw the most awkward thing. I saw Derek and Stacey spying on me. They had no idea that I was watching them so I decided to have some fun. I crept up behind them an touched them both on the shoulder. They both instantly jumped out of their skin and bumped each other in the  head. They turned around rubbing their foreheads and stood up. We stood staring at each other for what seemed like ages. I finally had the courage to speak first. “What were you guys doing?” “We knew you would come here” Stacey said. “it’s your favourite spot to hang out when you want to be by yourself.” Then Derek tuned in “We offered to the other guys but they didn’t want to come.” I wonder why they didn’t want to come? I didn’t want to bother Derek and Stacey by making them awkwardly try to answer the question so I just went on with it. “So what were you hoping to gain from this?” None of this made any sense to me. It looked like it didn’t make any sense to them either. “Well,” This was Stacey speaking. “We wanted to see if you were ok because you didn’t look good when you walked past us. We feel really sad that you can’t sit with us and I feel absolutely stupid about earlier.” I think that she forgot that Derek was there because she started to say how she believed I could see ghosts and I constantly tried to tell her to stop but Stace isn’t very good at face signals. When Stace finished, she looked from me to Derek and looked absolutely gobsmacked. Derek’s mouth was wide open and Stace’s face was in so much shock. “Derek, do you understand what Stac……” My world started to fall beneath me like a sink hole. “What’s wrong, mate” The voice sounded warm and comforting. I felt a chill down my spine and for what seemed like a wave of ice fall on top of Stace, Derek and I. I fell to the floor, uncontrollably shaking, and hit my head. I woke up with a start and hit my head against what seemed like wood. I was blinded by a bright light. I could see faint shapes of people sitting around my bed. The room looked white and too clean to be my bedroom. I opened my eyes wider and saw Derek, Stacey, My Mum, Mr Drake, Anna and Zoe. Everyone was looking at me with worried faces. I started to piece the puzzle together. I must’ve fell and hit my head on the concrete, fell unconscious and Derek and Stacey would’ve found a teacher, taken me to hospital and now I am lying in a hospital bed with everyone staring down at me. “Hi everyone?!?” I managed to say. Suddenly everyone jumped to their feet looking afraid and concerned. My mum was the first to speak “Hello Darling. Do you know what happened?” I don’t think I even understand why Mr Drake was here. “No, not really” Derek and Stacey exchanged worried glances and then stared right at me. I couldn’t take it anymore! My head hurt, my arms and legs were limp and my vision was blurry. My Mum threw her arms around me while she was sobbing. I started to cry with my Mum. Everyone got the picture and started to file out of the room. “NO! Derek and Stacey stay back please” I pleaded. Derek and Stacey stayed back like they were asked. I asked them what happened so I could actually understand why I fell. While Derek and Stacey explained to my Mum and I what they saw. I remembered that something cold swept behind me, I turned around and then “I, I, I…. I was attacked!” OMG! I was not meant to say that aloud. Derek, Stacey and my Mum turned around and stared at me with curiosity and confusion. My life was over. I just wanted to fall back asleep and never wake up again.

Mondays... The days my world changesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن