The Best moment

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I spent the rest of the lesson trying to find out how my classmates weren’t there but then they were 5 minutes later. “Hey M Man, what time did you come into class and start working?”. “Ummm, when the class usually starts. Why?” “Don’t worry” How is that possible? I was here before the class started. My brain was on lockdown. I couldn’t think at all. Why? That was the question that was stuck in my head for the rest of the lesson. Michael wasn’t even on my mind. That is so rare. Anna was staring at me for what looked like the whole lesson. Her partner Ryan (such a geek) was struggling with the task because Anna wasn’t helping out. He is so sad. He snorts when he laughs and always gets into trouble with the bullies (he has so many bruises on his face!). When the bell rang, I stood behind my chair and Michael was staring at me. “Why are you staring at me?” I said half-heartedly “Oh nothing, it’s just that you’ve got something on your cheek, hold on” OMG!!!! Michael Hunter is touching my cheek!!!!!! I was blushing like my face was covered in red paint. Michael stepped back and got his stuff from the desk. OMG. “See you later R,Man?” “Yeah sure M,Man!” OMG. Sorry but OMG. Michael actually touched my face! Anna walked up beside me and asked why I was so stunned. I told her what happened and her face was as stunned as mine was, even a bit more! “No offense but why would Michael touch your cheek?” “None taken, I had that question in my mind as well” Just when I finished my sentence Michael walked up past me and I swear he touched my back! “Anna did you see that!” Anna looked as stunned as I did. We walked to our next class not talking at all. Derek was waiting at the front of the class already. I asked him some questions about guys (that’s why I like having a guy friend!), he kept on asking me why I wanted to know about this stuff and all I said was “Just answer the question!!” Ms Charles lead us into the classroom, finally. She is the most boring teacher I have ever has the pleasure of being taught by. All we do in her class is read our textbooks or have Pop Quizzes. I hate her class so much. I sat down in my usual spot, near the back corner, and watched Ms Charles sit down at her desk. I looked at the door and Michael walked in. I stared at him for a while. He is so cute when he is talking to other people. After he finished talking to his friend he looked in my direction and winked at me. OMG. I love that word, OMG. Michael sat down right in front of me. I stared at the back of his head for what seemed like ages. His hair is so flawless and clean, not like mine. Mine is knotted and dirty. I felt ashamed. I swear Michael/M Man is so attractive that I would easily ask him out if only the whole Yr 7 wouldn’t ask us to do stupid things in front of them and harass us about stuff. I tried to base my thoughts on something else. The Ghost immediately popped into my head and the whole class disappearing. How was that possible? How could a whole class disappear and then 5 minutes later reappear. The Ghost must have been behind that. There was no other explanation. Ms Charles was talking about something to do with Ancient Artefacts or something like that. Oh sorry, Ms Charles is my Ancient history teacher. Sorry I was just so dumbstruck about the incident out in the hallway. The class seemed to go longer than I expected until Ms Charles asked me to name three Egyptian Pharaohs. “Ummm, Tutankhamen, Cleopatra and Ptolemy II?” Thank the Lord that I knew them! Anna looked back at me like I was some person with a face like a demented pig. What is her problem? One minute she is so compassionate to me and then she turns around and starts to be stuck up. That’s what Anna likes to do. She’s not as bad as Zoe but  she is very close. Man, I started to stare at the back of Michael’s head again. He suddenly turned around and stared me in the eyes! I swear we looked at each other for at least 5 minutes.

Mondays... The days my world changesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon