Disappearing Act

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Anna started to look around as though she could see the ghost She can’t but she likes to be like other people for some reason. We looked at each other for a few seconds and didn’t speak of this ‘complication’ for the rest of the break. We met Stacey, Derek and Zoe at our usual spot (The big oak tree by the basketball courts) and as usual they were arguing about something they disagree on, they disagree on a lot of things. I’ll be amazed when there is something that they both can agree on. Anyway when Anna and I sat down they all fell dead silent. We all looked at each other for a second in complete confusion, I was the most confused out of all of them. I was very thankful that it was break but this was the most awkward break I have gone through. No one was going to talk any time soon so I said “What is wrong with Mrs Umguy, huh?” Zoe was the first to talk to me, finally!! “Yeah-she-was-very-weird-in-there-wasn’t-she?” “What’s wrong Zoe, you seem very scared about something to do with me??” Zoe stared at me really freakily for some reason. Like I was some freaky lunatic asking a question that somehow offended her. “n-o-t-h-i-n-g, really, it’s nothing.” I thought of what that would mean. Is it something that would offend me or some kind of a joke spreading around the school. The whole group didn’t speak for the rest of the break instead of Stacey having a coughing fit. I don’t know why they are getting so protective of me lately? Do they know about my secret? I wondered about this theory for the whole of break and when I was walking to class. They were fine when I dropped them off at their lockers. What happened? OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have D&T next. The only good thing is that Michael Hunter is my work partner and he is so cute when he concentrates. It’s going to get all mushy from now on so get ready. I walked in to the room but no one was there. I was 15 minutes late so everyone should be in there by now. I walked further into the room just to find a mound of fabric and a sewing machine still turned on (that’s stupid?) but no one was there? I turned off the sewing machine and walked around the room trying to find one sign of real life. There was no one any where, a-n-y-w-h-e-r-e??? Where were the all? Even the teacher wasn’t there. Mr Friar has never been late to class, only once when he had an allergic reaction to some egg rice cracker thing and even then he still came in with an inflamed throat. It was gross, like beyond gross. Mr Friar is the most devoted teacher I have ever been taught by in my whole school life. I went into the hallway and looked to see if anyone was in the hallway. No one was there. Ok???? Usually there is some group of ‘popular’ guys and girls standing around their lockers chatting about how stupid school is and how sad geeks are and all of that stuff. I started to walk up to the next classroom to see if that teacher knows where my class was. I knocked on the door but that was a HUGE mistake. Mr Drake was teaching that class and he opened the door. For some reason he likes my Mum but hates me. What have I done to make him not like me. I haven’t offended him at all except for that time when I told him his hair looked like a dead rat but that was last week. Won’t he just build a bridge and go over it already. He is just so sensitive when it comes to things like this. I explained what happened in the classroom and he looked at me with a confused but straight face. He walked over to my classroom and went inside. What in the name of pigs on a motorbike! When did they get in there. There, in the classroom, was my classmates working on their projects. They weren’t in their before. How did they get in there? Mr Drake was staring at me like I was losing my mind. “I don’t see what’s the problem Miss Hampston but your behaviour has earned you another DETENTION!!!!!!!!!!!”. He walked back to his class with utter disgust written on his face. I went to sit over near Michael. He was sitting where I usually love to sit. Isn’t he a gentleman. “Hey, was up R Man!!” He even has his own nickname for me. See we are meant to be together, it’s our destiny. “Hey, was up M Man!” OMG. That was so sad.

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