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OMG GUYS!! 2,000 reads and this is my first ever book i have written. A year's woth has gone into this book and i am so proud! I hope you guys have loved this book as much as I have! hehe

Well, let me announce!!!! I am doing a sequel to Mondays called :

Tuesdays... The Days My World Dissapeared

I will upload the first chapter of this book on the first day of February 2014. And i promise I will uplaod a chapter every second saturday from then on :) Instead of random uploads because I work better on a schedule. haha

I would still love heaps of feedback on my book as I'm going to do some thorough editing now :)

Thankyou my fellow wattpaders for the ongoing support and feedback because it has really inspired me to keep on going through times I wanted to take it down. 

Oh and btw, Tuesdays wil be uploaded on my own account:


instead and i would like to thank Kyrstan as she introduced me to wattpad and let me use her account to upload this story! :D

See you guys in february 2014 ;P

Merry XMAS and Happy New Year!!

Mondays... The days my world changesWhere stories live. Discover now