Why did i say that?

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Chapter 19: Why did I say that?

That night, I couldn’t go to sleep. I tried and tried but it just resulted in me either hitting myself on the head or having a nightmare about…stuff… and wake up crying. I hate my life right now. Michael hasn’t texted or called me, I don’t know if he hates me or he is just giving me space like a normal boyfriend would. But Michael isn’t a normal boyfriend, he isn’t a normal boy, it isn’t a normal person. Aghhh, stop it! Think about something else for god’s sake. I go up from my unbelievably comfy bed to be greeted by the ice-cold flooring in my bathroom. Right when I was going to start my well-earned shower, my phone buzzed indicating that I had a new unread message. I looked at my IPhone’s lock screen as the message was previewed:

Michael: Hi babe…. Call me if you want to talk to me. :/

Oh No. He thinks that I don't like him. I forgot completely about my shower and swiped the lock screen to reveal the message in full. I thought that that was the full message but it actually continued.


Hi babe…. Call me if you want to talk to me. :/

I understand fully if you don’t want to talk to me at the moment because of what I did to you and what my sister did as well. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about my family life or my past but I regret not telling you because you are my world and I should’ve trusted you enough to know about that.

I just haven’t felt this strongly about any girl I have dated before… your different. You make me show another side of me and I feel instantly happier when I talk to you or even see you for that matter. Please call me back so we can talk about all this. I want to make it right between us…

I love you. <3

Woah… That was a big message. So much was said in that. What did he mean by ‘I just haven’t felt this strongly about any girl I have dated before…’ Did he mean that he thought of me as more than his trophy to add to the vastly growing cabinet of girlfriends he has had? Did I really mean that much to him? I didn’t know what to do. Should I call him back and tell him how I feel or text him back saying we will talk about it at school. I decided to text him back because I want to tell him how I feel about us in person because that is the best way to say something… Isn’t it?


I will talk to you about it when we are together at school… in person. I think that that's better than just hearing your voice. Talk at school.

Hopefully he would come to school today after reading my message… Blagh. Get. Him. Out. Of. Your. Mind. Girl! I stood up from my bed slowly and made my way over to my cupboard to make the hardest decision of my day… what was I going to wear to school? About half an hour into searching for an outfit, I found a black tank top and a grey and white floral print pair of skinny jeans. I got my favourite necklace that my aunty got for me combining them with some bracelets from my favourite store to match with the outfit I had made. I’m not very good in making my own outfits that look good because, well, I’m not that kind of girl. I would LOVE to wear some trackydacks to school but we all know that is not gonna happen anytime soon. I finished my light makeup and walked to the front door yelling a goodbye to my mum. On my way to the door I grabbed my backpack, a piece of toast and my favourite pair of sandals. I opened the door to be greeted with a warm gust of wind. Oh how I love Australia’s weather!! As I started to stroll towards the school was eerily different. I couldn’t put my finger on it. Before I knew it someone had grabbed my neck another grabbed my ankles. I writhed and screamed out for help but the more I did the tighter the grip around my neck became. I didn’t know where they were going or what they were doing but all I knew was…

I needed Michael.

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