The guy I thought I knew: Part 2

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Chapter 25: The guy I thought I knew: Part 2

--- Previously ---

The ghost was standing there, right in front of me. “I, I, I” I stuttered. “Don't be afraid of me, Renee.” It said to me. What! How does it know my name? “I am someone that you know well,” Oh please don’t be who I think it is! “We are very close and I love you.” His male voice bounced off the van’s interior. I knew that voice… “I know you know that voice Renee, because I’m…” I didn’t hear the rest of it because I fainted right there on the spot. Why is my life so complicated?

--- Previously ---

“I know you know that voice Renee, because I’m your father.” The ghost said. Another thing to add to my list off weird things in my life! Let us recap them,

-       My mum has a crush on my History teacher.

-       I broke the nose of my best friend’s ex.

-       Rick is next-door neigh

        I can see ghosts.

-      I have like a million detentions for some crazy stuff.

-      I saw a ghost at school.

-      The principal can communicate with it.

-      The ghost has seen me and tried to kill me.

-      I get bullied a lot.

-      The whole class disappeared once and then reappeared.

-      I told my power to one of my closest mates and got into a fight.

-      The ghost attacked me on the street.

-      Michael had confessed his undying love for me and then is actually apart of this organisation that is trying to capture me.

-      His sister is the leader of the local group of this organisation.

-      My mates r apart of this organisation too.

-       And then my Dad is the ghost that has been attacking me.

There is WAYYYY more but I don’t want to bore you out of your mind… So yeah. Ok now I have no idea what to say, what to feel and most importantly what to believe. My life has been hell because of my ‘dad’. Why would he attack me and threaten me if he ‘loved me? I don’t get it! “Your not my dad, my dad is in the Oakland city cemetery…” I whispered, not daring to look up at him. After a disturbing minute of silence, I looked up to see if ‘my father’ was still standing there. Yep, he was! “I was in Oakland city cemetery but I have been given the chance of live again.” He explained to me. “What’s the catch? There’s always a catch in these situations…” I said in a soft whisper. He started to chuckle and sat down beside me. The familiar chill fell over my body as he placed himself next to my body. “You're a very smart girl u know? Yes there is a catch, but I have to get a human to carry it out because as a ghost I can’t do this type of act.” I nodded and turned to face him. I didn’t know what he was going to ask me but half of me was willing to do anything to get him back… “And what is this act, may I ask?” I asked him. He tensed when I asked this question, I’m sure he was going to ask me to do the act and I’m positive that it wasn’t a good one either. “The act is murder… and you have to murder… Michael James Hunter.” I think my Dad knew about our relationship because he was very hesitant in saying Michael’s name in front of me. Then it finally sunk in… I was being asked to murder Michael… the Michael Hunter of Oakland High… “Ummm, well, I’m pretty sure that your asking me too, aren’t you?” I asked, trying to hide the concern and fright in my voice. “Yes… I’m sorry Renee…” 

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