Understanding All Of A Sudden

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Chapter 28: Understanding All Of A Sudden

The room turned eerily quiet as she entered the room in all her (non-existent) glory. The gun in her right hand was aimed straight at my head as I fidgeted with the end ties of my restraints. Robert was a pretty bad bodyguard for not realizing that I was attempting to escape but I wasn’t complaining! “You know why you’re here I’m guessing?” Angel asked me with disgust. She looked down to me, trying to make me feel intimidated, (she was doing a good job at doing that by the way) as I pulled my hands out of the restraints. I remained a steady eye contact with Angel, as I didn’t want to show any kind of fear in myself (when I was actually more than scared, more like FRIGHTENED TO NO END!). “Nope.” I answered with the best calm and collected voice I could pull off. “Hmmmm, well would you like me to fill you in or your father?” Wait, what? My father? But he’s dead and I saw is ghost? How does that work? “Ummm, what are you talking about Angel?” I asked, fearing that she didn’t know about the deal I had with my own father’s ghost. “Yes Renee, your father! Did you really think he has been dead all these years! Your such a naïve girl!” She exclaimed with pure happiness. Geez, Angel must get her sick-minded thoughts from her dad! “He, He’s dead Angel!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, fighting the urge to punch her straight in the mouth. I took a deep breath and looked at her in those deep, meaningless eyes. Her cackle bounced off the walls and then the horrible noise of a gunshot filled the empty room we currently occupied. I thought I was dead. I couldn’t die! I had so much to live for but I bet Angel doesn’t care about that, I wonder if she had a good childhood or a really bad one which messed her up in the head? Hmmmm, I shall have to look into that if I want to change her, well attempt to anyway. The gunshot had not finished ringing throughout the room although it had been around a full minute since the initial shot. I opened my eyes, bracing myself for some sort of un-natural scene or something crazy but all I saw was the same dark room I was sitting in but something felt different. Something was just not right. I opened my eyes a bit further and peered around the room. As my weary eyes searched the room for the ‘change’; they fell onto the lifeless body of Angel Hunter, lying at my feet. Did I do that? No. I looked around the now creepier room (still stuck to my unstable wooden chair), to see Mr. Drake holding a pistol, wide-eyed, and staring at his daughter. What was happening? I looked between him and Angel repeatedly to find any connections. He finally looked up at me with a sympathetic face and grabbed my wrist as he ran out of the room. I followed him as we weaved our way through the maze of hallways, barely getting any notice from the other guys sitting around. How dumb can they get these days? The world around me started to spin as I felt more and more faint by the step. I could keep hearing Mr. Drake encouraging me to go on but my body was shutting down slowly. I needed to escape this hellhole! “C’mon a couple more steps Renee!” I heard Robert yell at me. I blacked out. I couldn’t go on. I needed to rest. I just knew that I needed to change my world, once and for all. 

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