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I stood there for ages just thinking if they were in the room or not. They couldn’t have gone through the wall, could they? “No” I told myself, “they are not ghosts, you are being silly, they are messing with you now. Just focus on getting out of here and going to class as I AM ALREADY LATE!!!” I started to charge out of the room and when I held the doorknob a cool breeze swept behind my neck. I turned around almost in an instant and tripped over the broom stick. I fell face down on the floor. The floor was so cold, it felt like ice. The ghost was here, right where my face was, it was there before. I looked up. It looked more blurry than before? Was my eyesight affected when I hit the floor? I started to sit up and slowly my eyesight was getting more clearer and clearer every movement I made. I looked over where I was lying on the floor and it looked like a cloud of blur  was standing there. I looked up on the roof to see if it was smoke from the change rooms but it looked like a figure of a person. IT WAS THE GHOST. I was actually staring at the ghost’s figure! :O In the next few seconds I stood up, ran out of the room and sprinted down the hallway. I ran into my Maths classroom still petrified at what I saw. The whole class was staring at me while I stood there panting in front of them. Mrs Umguy (my maths teacher) was staring at me with great disgust (she doesn’t like me very much). I swear I was at the front for at least 15 minutes string at my classmates. Anna was staring at me with great interest and whispering to Stacey. Derek found this the best time to start to play on his IPhone. Sometimes he is a bit dumb. It took forever to think up an excuse for being 45 minutes late to class without my stuff and my pants ripped (I turned a corner and my pants snagged a sharp corner, sorry forgot to tell you). It was so weird sitting back down near Derek because the ‘popular’ boys and girls sit back there and I could hear them whispering behind me “She is so lying” “Dorky Dorky Here you are finally, I was starting to get worried…. NOT” “Did you forget to kiss your mummy good bye”. Are they for real. They actually think they are better than me when they aren’t at all. Actually I remember seeing one of them trying to persuade their mum to let them go down to the park 200 metres from their house with some of their friends. It was so funny. I haven’t told anyone yet. I’m going to keep it until I really need to use it. Derek was still playing on his IPhone ( I think he was playing angry birds). Anna and Zoe were talking about something (probably make-up, I hate make-up, It’s their only chance to talk about it, I forbade it last week). Still I wish that they would try to talk about make-up just to annoy me. Thank the lord, the bell rang. Everyone started to file out of the room into the hallway. That is a nightmare after class.  Anna, Zoe, Derek and Me were the last to leave the room. I started to explain my made-up theory of what happened. The only person that knows about me seeing ghosts is Anna. I told her because she is like the sister I have always wanted and she has kept a lot of my secrets like. My crush on Michael Hunter (He is sooooooooooooooooooo cute, sorry about the so but he is), me failing in D&T and then this problem. She is practically my sister. She comes over nearly everyday to help me with homework, assignments and my ghost seeing problems. She can tell when I have seen a ghost and done something bad because I either have this twitchy thing happening with my eye or my eyes look panicked but no one realises that, thankfully. We all walked to each others lockers and dropped ourselves off. Anna and me have lockers right next to each other which is very good because I can talk to her naturally about seeing ghosts. I started to explain what happened to Anna and she looked really sacred and confused about what I was saying. When I finished she said “Can you see the ghost now or not?” I started to look around. All I could see was kids being stupid with their friends and the teachers trying to usher them outside to the playground. “No”.

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