Back to life, as we know it

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Chapter 17: Back to life, as we know it

The next few days went in a blur. I was still recovering from the massive lump on the top of my head. It hurt like hell whenever I touched it, it didn’t seem to be getting any better. Everyone kept on asking me ‘what happened to you?’ and I just kept on shrugging those annoying people off every time saying, “Seriously it's nothing!” They were all starting to get on my nerves so I skipped last period, Science. I didn’t feel like coming today but Michael insisted because he wanted to see me. I leisurely strolled over to the big oak tree, where my mates and I hang out at breaks. We have made so many memories under this tree. We have always sat under here since yr4. “Wow, it’s been a very long ride.” I whispered to myself. I sat down next to the large wooden trunk and opened my MacBook. I have had this computer for over 5 years now. It’s very trustworthy. I opened my mail to see if I got any new emails from my family or friends. Bling! Yep, I got some. Michael? How did he get my email? I never gave it to him. Oh, it’s probably Stacey…. Meh I don’t care really. It’s just my email address, no harm done. (My baby Michael)

Subject: Hey Babe.

Message: Hey when you get this can you go over to the front of the car park quickly please. You’re probably ditching last period anyway ;P. See you soon. Please come :*

Ummm. Ok? How does he know? What does he want? Only way to find out is to go to where he wants me to go. I quickly packed up my things and slowly jogged to the front of the car park. There was a lot more cars than usual in the car park but I was only looking for Michael right at that moment. “HEY, OVER HERE!!” I heard a voice over my right shoulder. I spun around to see Michael leaning against a car with a clear smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes and walked over to Michael. When I reached him he hugged me and kissed me on the forehead. “So, why did I NEED to come here at this time,” I said pouting. “I was having fun underneath the tree searching up ways to enhance your writing!” I smirked at him. He laughed and then turned to his side, still leaning on the car. I think it was his?? But he can’t drive yet so it must be someone else’s…. “I just wanted to see if you were ok. When you left the hospital room you didn’t look well. I went to your house but your Mum said that she hadn’t seen you for two days now. Why aren’t you going home? Where are you going?” Michael said in one breath. Damn! I didn’t want him to find out that I hadn’t been going back home! Aggghhhh. Now he’s going to ask me if I would like to go to his place instead. And right on schedule he goes “Do you wanna stay at my place for a while?” I sighed and turned my face away from his. The last thing I wanted right now is sympathy. I’m a strong woman and can do anything without any help. I said to him not being able to look at his face. “I’m not asking you too think that about me. I’m just trying to help you, it’s my job to look after you.” He said with sincere sadness and concern in his voice. I sighed and went to lean against the car next to him. I looked around the lonely car park trying to avoid Michael’s gaze. She heard Michael quickly stop breathing and I looked around to see if something was wrong with him. His eyes were staring daggers at something in the distance. “Michael? What’s wrong?” I asked wearily. I turned my gaze to where he was staring. I could see was a small girl in the distance. Michael jaw was clenched while he sneered, “What are you doing here?” She smiled sarcastically and said “Don’t you know that you shouldn’t be mean to your sister Michael! You were definitely the odd one out of all of us, eh?” Wait, did she just say……. Sister?!?!?!

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