I'm not me anymore...

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Chapter 23: I’m not me anymore…

I knelt next to Jordan, soft sobs escaping me. The only thing running through my mind was ‘why?’ I would like to congratulate Angel for her evil ways and that she has finally won! “You hear that Angel! YOU WIN! YOU TURNED MY OWN FRIENDS AGAINST ME! COME AND DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TO ME! I HATE YOU!” Jordan then woke up and sat up. “Wha- what happened? Why am I on the ground?” He stammered quietly, still in a daze. “I sorta knocked you out and then I just screamed and hit things and gave up…” He shot up from the ground and held my shoulders, forcing me to look into his eyes. “Never give up! I didn’t when I got kicked out of Flying Mafia! You know that I feel crap from kissing you but to make it up to you, I will not stop looking for Michael! Ever! I can tell he means a lot to you and I don't like seeing you upset so I’m not giving up, neither are you!” He said with full confidence. “I, I, I-“ I tried to speak but no words came to my mind in that instant. A whoosh flew past me as Jordan and I were staring at each other. I shivered as it passed us. “What’s up?” He asked me. “Didn’t you feel that gush of cool air go past us?” I questioned him. “No? What’s up?” He didn’t feel it? Then why did I see his hair move? “Oh, nothing… I’m just getting spooked just standing here while my boyfriend has been captured and being tortured right now… We are the same in some ways and Angel might want him for the same reasons she wants me… I just want to find him Jordan, just want to find him and get back to my normal life.” I said in a short breath. “Let’s actually do some adventuring today, not talking about my problems please…” I asked him and he reluctantly nodded. He dragged me through the dense forest. Jesus, I never thought to come in this forest before. I was wise not too. It would be pretty scary getting lost in this place! “God! Does this place have any boundaries or is it an endless mass of nature and hell?” Jordan laughed at my comment. “This is a pretty big place, a perfect place for a good hideout…” He said but broke off at the end of his sentence. He must still feel sad or confused about being kicked out of Flying Mafia… It was because of me he was kicked out and yet he wanted to help me? As we walked around aimlessly searching fro a clue to where Michael was, the scene of me knocking Jordan, the man and Angel out was on repeat in my head. It was like someone had taken over my body and mind and made me into a rampaging monster or something like that! I never wanted to be like that again but I really don’t have any control over it. It’s like a ghost takes over my body and mind, making me do things that I would usually not do. A ghost? “OMG! A GHOST! THAT’S WHY!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. Jordan looked back at me shocked and scared. “What happened? Did you trip? Did you see something? Are you ok? What ha-“ He rambled on and on. I interrupted him, “Jordan, calm down ok? I just got an idea and got excited, calm yourself!” Jesus, why was he so jumpy lately? Ever since we started to search more for the Flying Mafia base or lair or something, he was very jumpy and cautious with every move we made. He was stepping like there we were in a minefield.  “I just feel like he’s watching us…” “Wait he? I thought you said that Angel was the leader of Flying Mafia?” He looked down at his feet, probably thinking of an adequate answer to my question. “Well yeah that’s true” He stated, I didn’t like that answer. “And…. What bout the he? Huh? I want to know Jordan!” I screamed at him, why couldn’t this guy give me a simple, straight answer. “Well, the he is the big boss of every Flying Mafia group in this country but only a selected few know about his real identity…” “And are you one of them?” I ask him, hoping to dear lord that he will give me a simple, straight answer. “Ummm yeah but I swore that I wouldn’t tell anyone. And I don’t think you would take it well even if I did tell you, so no before you ask.” I sighed and leant against a tree trunk, sliding down to the floor, hugging my legs to my chest. How did everything change so fast? I had camp next week and Stacey would be worried sick (like she does)! I think Zoe would be soo excited that I was missing; she was probably in on this as well. I still can’t believe that she knew what was going to happen to me… “Can you just tell me his name?” I pleaded. I really wanted to know! Jordan looked me in the eyes and said “His name is…” NO. NO. NO. THIS CAN’T BE RIGHT!!

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