The Time Of My Life

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Chapter 11:

Now where was I, oh yeah? It was Michael, Michael Hunter. “What are you doing dude?” That's all I could think of at the moment. We stood there forever, staring at each other, not saying a word. “Helllllooo? Can you hear m---“ I was starting to get really annoyed but his eyes were so warm I insides melted. He took of his black facemask to see his soft wavy hair fall limp against his neck. “Hello Michael? Can you seriously tell me why you are here and what is your intention of dragging me into this closet at 7:30 in the morning!!” Jesus, I hated yelling at him but I needed to find answers and quick because students would start arriving soon and it would be a tad bit weird if Michael and I were found in a janitor’s closet together. He slowly opened his mouth while moving his hand close to my face. “Do you know how long I have loved you?” SAY WHAT NOW!!! Michael, my crush for 5 years likes me? Yeah right. I didn’t know how to respond so I kept on staring into his calm and warm eyes. He continued “I have loved you since we first met and I have had no idea how to show you, the incident before was a big mistake and I think you do know that I am a ghost seer too” OMG. He did know that I could see ghosts and so could he! OMG it was like we were meant to be. “Ummm, I have also had a crush on you since we first met and I and totally confused at the moment”. He sighed and held me close. I could feel his breath against my neck. We were just about to kiss each other when Stacey opened the door. Of all people in the world it had to be her!!! “Oh, am I interrupting something?” The smirk on her face showed it all. “I tore apart form Michael and straightened my skirt. “Actually Stacey, WE weren’t doing anything, SO you can leave now!!” I gave the ‘please go away’ face and she slowly backed out of the door. I turned to Michael’s sad face, I could easily tell he wished Stacey didn’t come in. “Hey, don’t worry about it, she won’t tell anyone” I knew she would but I wanted to encourage him and not make him feel like he was a total boofhead. “Yeah, I know but I am just sad because I missed out on my only chance to actually kiss you.” I felt so sad looking at his face so I did the unimaginable. In a split second I pulled him towards me and kissed him!!! At first he looked shocked but then he started to kiss me back. It felt so right and I never wanted to leave his side but the bell went and I had to go. As opened the door and ran outside he grabbed my wrist and said, “Does this mean were together?” I turned around and winked at him feeling on top of the world, “Of course it does, Michael. You're the only person I would ever be with” His face lit up with each word. “Ok, I’ll walk you home today, I don’t care if you don’t want me to, I’m going to either way.” His face looked determined and I wasn’t going to fight back. “Ok fine, I will meet you at the front gates at 3:00.” I turned around and my hand fell from his grasp. OMG, did I just seriously kiss him and become his girlfriend?!?!?! This is everything I have hoped for! I need to tell the guys but I think the whole school already knows because when I headed for my locker everyone was nodding and staring at me. Some guys actually screamed out “ WOOO GOING FOR THE GOLD ARE YOU HAMPSTON!!!!” I felt so embarrassed walking to my locker, I thought it couldn’t get any worse could it but of course it did!! Michael ran up beside me and hugged me around the waist. He was actually walking beside me and holding me. He kept on smiling at me and hugging me closer to him. I walked to my locker slowly because Michael was walking sooooo slow. I seriously have no idea if he actually likes me is just doing this for the popularity.

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