Chapter 30

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We take the hovercraft that we came in and go to the only place where we know we will find refuge. Thirteen. I calm myself down so Kiri won’t be curious about anything but she always curious. She asked about ten times where Uncle Peeta was and Gale just told her that he would meet us where we are going soon. She also kept asking why we were leaving Twelve when we were only there for not even an hour. If only she was older, it would be much easier to tell her that Peeta and I are run away criminals and that he is now dead. I can’t believe that Peeta would do this to me. But I’m also mad at myself. The last time I saw him he made me cry and we were yelling at each other. When we get to Thirteen we were automatically greeted. They knew we were coming.

“Great to see you again Soldier Everdeen,” says a man that I don’t recognized. He can see that I’m confused.

“I was in you squad when we were taking over the Capitol last time Soldier Everdeen,” he says.

“My last name is now Mellark, but not for long, and I don’t know you,” I say.

“Let’s just cut right to the chase. My name is Oskar and you’re a little late to be fighting but I’m sure we can get you back into shape.” I can tell Oskar used to be a Capitol citizen. He has some gold tattoos on his skin and his hair is somewhat green. He starts to push me.

“Who is giving you the right to do this? What if I don’t want to fight?”

“I gave myself the authority to do this, I’m the President of Thirteen. But don’t worry I won’t become rude and power hungry like Coin and Paylor.”

“Well listen up Oskar, I’m not fighting. Peeta was suppose to stay here with Kiri and Dawn but he’s dead now, so I have to take over. Plus I’m pregnant again and I can’t risk killing him/her. Also I just don’t want to fight because last time I almost died. Right now I am a single mother who just got widowed with a baby, and I’m pregnant. I am not fighting.”

“But Katniss, I thought you were the Mockingjay. I thought you would do whatever it took to make your country proud. But you’re keeping a lost loved one and children in your way? We have babysitters here for you because we knew that you were pregnant and we knew that Gale had Kiri and that you had Dawn. We were prepared for you. We are ready for you to fight, but are you ready for us?” I sigh. I don’t want to kill the child inside of me, but I also want to live. I know I can trust the people here in Thirteen but I also think that I need to do what I know will be good healing process, and it will really distract me. I don’t even say a word and I nod my head. Gale and Claudia also nod theirs. Oskar waves someone over and she takes Dawn from me and grabs Kiri’s hand. I kiss Dawn on the cheek then she walks away taking Kiri and Dawn with her.

“Just tell me where to be and when to be there. I’m not going to have my schedule on my arm and I want my own room with no disturbances.  I also want someone to go back to my house in Twelve and pick up my husband’s body if it is still there so we may have the proper funeral.”

“We already have some undercover rebels in Twelve that were guarding your house so we will contact them and give them your command. Is there anything else Soldier?” I shake my head. “Well then we will have a guide bring you to weapons and Gale and Claudia to training.” I nod my head. All in under an hour I became unloved, widowed, and a Soldier again. My life is not perfect but terrible. When I get to weapons it is completely transformed. You can tell the weapons have been upgraded so that can mean only one thing. Beetee has been working here. As I’m walking down the aisles and aisles of weapons I see it. My own customized bow. I brush my hands of the metal. I say “good morning” to it and it begins to talk to me again. I put the sheath of arrows on my shoulder and I pick up the bow.

“You know it hasn’t talked since the last time you used it,” says a voice that I recognized. It’s Beetee.

“I just want to get this over with. My life already stinks enough so I just want to get my training done with, go out there and kill Paylor then just go back to my life,” I say.

The Star-Crossed Lovers from District 12 (Wattys Finalist 2013)Where stories live. Discover now