Chapter 15

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The next morning I just pass Peeta’s room and go straight to the prep room. When I get there I can tell Gino is shocked to see me so early.

“Don’t you need to say goodbye to someone before we get started?” he asks.

“No, last night he had a strong flashback about me, he’s too dangerous for me to be around right now,” I say.

“Non-sense, no such danger can keep true love apart,” he says.

“If you want me to get hurt I’ll go in there but I don’t want to get hurt,” I say.

“You’ve already given up once before Katniss. Now are you just going to keep some fear between you and Peeta?” he asks. I shrug.

“Go, and if he’s sleeping give him a kiss, talk to him. The more the better,” he says. I leave the prep room and go to Peeta’s room. Through the glass I can see him sleeping. He’s still in the hospital bed but now all of his limbs are strapped down. The door was left open, probably for me. I go in and sit on the edge of his bed. I grab his strong hand and just look at him. Eventually I start to talk.

“Peeta I know you’re in there. Why are you hiding? It’s me your wife, Katniss. Your girlfriend that you had for four years. The person you had a crush on for thirteen years. Peeta I miss you. You got to be stronger than this because I know you can be. You’ve done it before, now do it again. I love you and I want you back. I miss having you around when I have nightmares, and I miss having you by my side. I just miss you. Please come back.” I give him a kiss then get up right as I’m walking out the door I hear a faint,

“Katniss?” I walk back over to him and sit on the edge of his bed.

“Yeah, it’s me. I’m right here,” I say.

“What are you doing here?” he asks.

“I came to see you because I miss you,” I say.

“Leave, you’re in danger here, go.”

“No you’re not Peeta. You’ve made it through this before, now you have to do it again. You can be stronger than this silly thing,” I say. He leans up and looks me straight into my eyes. He opens up his hand and I hold onto it.

“Katniss, I’m still me. Just another person has taken over. And if you think this is silly you really don’t know the pain I’m going through,” he says. I nod my head and start to get up but he won’t let go of my hand so I sit back down. We just sit there looking at each other.

“Every time I have a flashback my whole body aches when I come back to my senses. I always have splitting headaches and I never know where I am for at least five minutes afterwards. This is terrible not silly,” he says.

“But Peeta I-,” he cuts me off.

“Katniss, no words,” Then Peeta does something that I thought he would never do. He pulls me down and kisses me. I didn’t kiss him, he kissed me. I put my hands on his shoulders. I can’t believe he kissed me. I feel like he’s back, he just can’t get through the last wall. He reaches out his hands as far as he can so they’re on my waist. I pull back and I see him smiling.

“I love you,” I say. It feels so good to say that again. He just kisses me again. I guess he couldn’t risk having a flashback during this moment. How can this be? Last night he was dangerous to be around, and now he’s the same old Peeta. He’s not exactly the same but he’s him again. Then out of the blue he sharply pulls away. I put my hands on his cheeks.

“Peeta fight it, I know you can,” I say. He closes his eyes and clenches his fists. He shakes his head. “Yes you can Peeta you’ve done it before,” I say. I start stroking his hair. “You can do it,” I say. All of the sudden he has the look in his eyes, the look to tell me he loves me. I give him one more kiss and get up but he grabs my hand.

The Star-Crossed Lovers from District 12 (Wattys Finalist 2013)Where stories live. Discover now