Part 2- Maybe he Lied?- Chapter 10

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I pull away, get up and go over to get the door. I look back and Peeta’s face has sadness written all over it. I mouth I love you to him and he smiles. There was another knock at the door. I open up the door and an Avox gives me a note then leaves.

“What does it say?” he asks.

“It says I’m suppose to go to the City Circle, but you can come with me. But you would have to go straight to the City Circle and I would meet you there. First I have to go to the Prep Room to get fitted for my Gamemaker jacket. We are doing final touches on the stage, and I have to rehearse to what I’m going to say because I need to have a speech,” I say.

“Oh, well at least I can spend some more time with you,” he says.

“Wait there is more. It says that you are also required to write a speech because you are the Head Gamemakers husband,” I say.

“Well okay. I guess I’ll get ready. What time am I suppose to be there,” he asks.

“Doesn’t say,” I say. He gets up and walks over to me.

“Well I’ll see you at the City Circle,” he says. He gives me a kiss. I blush. I’m so lucky to have him.

“Bye,” I say.

“Bye,” he says while walking away from me. I walk out the room and to the elevator. I click the button that the prep room is on, then I am on my way. When I get down there I see a man wearing all black, and he has light blue hair combed to the side with streaks of purple in it. He is also wearing bright green eye shadow and has many piercings in his ears. Nothing like Cinna.

“Hello Katniss Mellark, congrats on the marriage, all of Panem knows that you’re a Mellark now. Anyways I am Gino your new stylist. Every time you make a public appearance I will be the person you come to for clothes to wear at those public appearances,” “Really?” I think. Why is he giving me this talk? I’ve met stylists before. “But right now you are here to get fitted for you Gamemaker jacket, but since this is the first time ever it is a female Gamemaker I thought a different style that has a more feminine touch to it would be more appropriate,” he says.

“That sounds great,” I say.

“So just let me get your measurements and I will start working on the jacket,” he says. So he takes my measurements then tells me to come back in about five hours to pick up the jacket. So I give him a hug goodbye then I go up the elevator to the main floor. When the elevator stops I see a car waiting right out the front doors for me to take me to the City Circle. The car drives me to the City Circle, and there was a huge stage that was half complete right in the middle of it. I see Peeta from the car widow, and his hair is combed back. He waves to me, and I wave back. He starts to walk towards the car. Once the car stops I get out and run into his arms. He gives me a kiss on the cheek, and while he was doing that I messed up his hair.

“Should’ve seen that coming,” he says. I wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around my waist. He kisses my forehead.

“How was your fitting?” he asks.

“Good my new stylists name is Gino, but he doesn’t shut up, and he’s not as down to earth as Cinna was. But while he was rambling off about the jacket I was thinking of you,” I say. He smiles and gives me a long kiss. While we were kissing Haymitch comes over and splits us apart.

“It hasn’t been that long since you’ve seen each other,” he says. We both give him a hug, we haven’t seen him since the wedding.

“I think you guys should know that they have very strict rules here about public displays of affection. If Presidet Paylor saw you guys doing that here who knows what she would do. It’s just a fair warning,” he says. Peeta and I look at each other and by the look I his eyes I can tell that he got the message. “Follow me, you both need to write your speeches,” he says.

The Star-Crossed Lovers from District 12 (Wattys Finalist 2013)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora