Chapter 13

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Excitement over whelms me on the inside. My plan worked. I look at Claudia and she has a smile on her face looking at Gale. “My, my, my. It seems as though we have our first volunteer in the first Capitol Citizen Hunger Games. Sir, come over here and tell us your name,” says Effie. Gale walks over to her.

“Gale Hawthorne,” he says.

“Why did you volunteer?” asks Effie.

“I couldn’t bear watching someone I love die on TV, so if she dies I die to,” he says. “And who is this special girl?” she asks.

“You’ll figure it out,” he says. He walks over where all of the other boys are and shakes hands with all of them. Classic Gale, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.

“Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favor,” says Effie.  She motions Haymitch to go up and do his speech. When Haymitch starts to talk turn he obviously isn’t reading Peeta’s speech but he does something much better. He explains why Peeta is not here and he is. “As you all know I am obviously not Peeta. Peeta has come down with a terrible sickness that hasn’t been diagnosed yet and doctors say he will not be able to mentor so that is why I am here. I promise my tributes that I pick will be the best of the best, I mean I mentored Katniss and Peeta so I had to have done something right. I just wish the best of luck to all of you and a Happy Hunger Games,” he says. We walk off the stage and all of the tributes follow. When I get back there I see Annie, Johanna, and Beetee. I give them all hug. “What are you guys doing here?”

“They needed more mentors so we stepped in,” says Annie. Then we all just stand there in silence and I look at my ring thinking of a way to get Peeta back when they all hug me. I guess they knew what I was thinking when I looked at my wedding ring.

“We know what happened Katniss,” says Johanna.

“Yeah, and we’re here whenever you need us,” says Beetee.

“Thanks, I think I’m going to go to my room,” I say.

“Don’t you want to know who we pick?” asks Johanna.

“You can tell me at breakfast, I really just want to be alone right now,” I say. They all nod their heads and I decide to walk back to the Training Center and take the hovercraft from there to the Control Room. When I get there I see the Peeta’s door is ajar. So I go in and no one is in there, not even Peeta. I start to wonder where he is because if no one is here then where is Peeta? Right before I decide to find Haymitch there was a note on the desk that the lamp is on. It said:


If you’re wondering where Peeta is he is out on a walk with me.

We will be back soon and make sure Katniss isn’t there when I bring him in.

I’ve been talking to him and he is sounding a lot better.

He wants to meet up with Katniss so they can talk but I don’t think he’s ready yet.

Anyways, be back soon!


Peeta wants to see me. This is either the best news I’ve gotten or the worst. What if he wants a divorce? I can’t afford to think like this now. It’s been a long day and I’ll check in on Peeta later but for now I’m just going to eat lunch and stay in my room. I eventually hear Peeta come back but I decide to give him a little while before I can even look at him. It’s right before dinner when I decide to go into his room. I have to knock on the door because it’s always locked now. Haymitch let me in.

“Is he doing better since his walk?” I ask.

“Yeah act-, wait how did you know I took him on a walk?”

The Star-Crossed Lovers from District 12 (Wattys Finalist 2013)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin