Part 1- Complete Then Broken- Chapter 1

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I wake up expecting to find warmth next to me, but I feel nothing. Peeta must have gone to the bakery early today. I don’t blame him for going early though, District Seven’s oven exploded so they asked Peeta to make a large order of bread and send there. I start to get ready for the day. I take a shower, braid my hair down my back, and put on my father’s hunting jacket. Once I am done I realize that the house is very quiet. Without Prim, my mother, or Peeta in the house it is pin drop silent, even though it has been years. Greasy Sae is not downstairs like she usually is when I come down. Where could she be?

I decide to leave home on an empty stomach to go to the bakery. I still get a little lost finding it because when it got burned down everyone in District 12 that was there, moved the location and rebuilt it. The bad part about that was that we had to hide the bakery because it was for Peeta’s birthday. He loved it but it is hidden behind some bushes and two big trees. And you can’t move a building so it will just have to stay hidden. When I get to the bakery I see that the oven is burning but Peeta isn’t there. I shout his name.

“Yeah, just in the back,” he responds. When he comes out from the back he puts the supplies down and comes over to me and wraps his arms around me then kisses my forehead. He gently starts to strokes my hair. I love it when his hands run through my hair, it gives me butterflies in my stomach every time he does it. I am in love with Peeta but he hasn’t told me that he loves me yet, even though I know he does he won’t ever say it to me. I never know why.

“Why didn’t you tell me that you were going to be here early?” I ask.

“I did tell you,” he responds. “Right before I left I whispered into your ear that I was going to be here, then kissed your forehead. You smiled so I thought you heard me so I left. If you wouldn’t have smiled I would’ve left you a note or something. I’m sorry.” He knows I don’t really care as long as he’s safe. He can just read my eyes and know what I’m thinking, that is how good we know each other. I can read his eyes to, and he’s thinking the same thing I am. Almost at the same time we lean into kiss each other. That’s what we were both thinking of. I begin to feel his hands running up and down my back. I begin to lightly run my fingers through his hair. His kiss is beginning to make my lips tingle. I like it. Then we both sharply pull away from the scent of burning bread.

“See what happens when we are together. You distract me so much.”

“Well it’s a good thing the Games did happen or else I wouldn’t have you,” I say. He smiles. 

“Can you make some bread for dinner tonight?”

“Sure. What kind would you want?” he asks.

“What day is it Peeta?”

“I completely forgot that today is our five year anniversary, even though at least two of them were fake.” I know he’s lying to me that it’s our five year, he’s got something going on.

“What do I make every year to celebrate this?” I ask getting closer to him.

“You’re lamb stew with dried plums and cheesy bread. I can’t wait for tonight.” Then he lightly kisses my lips. So lightly that his lips barely even touched mine.

“So do you want to make the bread?” asks Peeta. I smile. Peeta brings me over to the kneading table where some dough is already laying out.

“It’s really simple,” he says. “Just do this.” he says while kneading the dough. So I try.

“Like this?” I say mimicking his movements.

“No, like this,” he says as he puts his arms around me and starts to mimic my moves.

“That’s what I was doing,” I say.

“I know, I just wanted an excuse to put my arms around you,” he says. I smile. He always does this to me, make up cheesy excuses to be close to me. I don’t ever mind but just that he actually takes the time to come up with an excuse make me laugh. We finish kneading the bread, then Peeta finishes by putting a garlic glaze and cheese on it and popped it into the oven.

 When Peeta waits for bread to bake, he sits down on a chair he has by the oven and occupies himself. So Peeta sits down on the chair, and I pull up a chair next to him. He immediately puts his arm around me and starts to twirl my hair with his finger. I cuddle up in his arms and we just wait, looking into the oven to see bread baking. Fun. Then Peeta starts to talk again.

“How would you feel if I said that you are going to get a-,” he cuts himself off to think of the right words. “A present from me to you.” Before I have time to answer a customer walks through the door. Peeta smiles at the customer while my mouth is wide open. I haven’t seen him in two years. “Happy five year,” he says. I can only get out one word.



DUN, DUN, DUN!!!!!!!!! Tell me what you thought! Vote if you liked it and comment what you liked and disliked. I really want to hear your feedback so I can learn how to become a better writer. Either comment or pm me if you have any ideas!

Love, Bookjunkie001

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