'Who was that?' Taegeuk's small voice was heard from the top of the staircase.

Taehyung exhaled and turned his eyes to meet with Taegeuk's, 'It was no one,' He whispered, loud enough for her to hear, 'go get some sleep, we have a big day tomorrow.'

Taehyung smiled weakly and Taegeuk returned the smile before resigning to her bed once more. Without further thought, Taehyung pushed the minor confusion to the back of his mind and did too resign to his bed and give in to slumber.

Hours passed and the sun awoke, streaming its rays of sunshine through the slits in the curtains that Taehyung lazily closed the previous night.

Taehyung rolled over onto his back and watched his eyelids slowly begin to lighten as the suns light intensity grew.

He forced himself to get up although his body ached to retire once more, he heard hurried footsteps towards his bedroom door and smiled as he rose.

The door swung open and there stood Taegeuk with a wide grin spread across her face and Taekwon standing behind her.

'Are you ready?!' Taegeuk said with excitement.

'Zombie alert,' Taekwon laughed, 'he literally just woke up, does he look ready to you?' Taekwon laughed once more before turning around and heading downstairs.

Taehyung shook his head and laughed with a tired smile, 'Do you want to go soon? You don't want to plan anything before we leave?'

'Let's be spont- uh, sponteous?' Taegeuk said in a questioning tone.

'Spontaneous!' Taekwon's voice was heard from the bottom of the staircase.

'Yeah,' Taegeuk said as she scratched the back of her head, 's-p-o-n-t-a-neous!'

'I'll get the photos, you and your brother go get ready, okay?' Taehyung said as he rubbed Taegeuk's forehead and smiled down at her.

'Alrighty,' She grinned and ran off, 'get ready, Kwonnie!' Her voice echoed down the staircase and through the entrance hall, eventually catching Taekwon's ears in the kitchen.

Taekwon called back with inaudible speech, making it obvious that he had his mouth full of food. Taegeuk ran back to her room and Taehyung freshened up for the long day ahead.

Moments passed and the twins, ready with their shoes and backpacks on, stood at the front door and eagerly awaited Taehyung.

'We're ready!' Taegeuk yelled, the empty walls carried her voice through the entrance hall which connected to the two staircases hugging the walls.

'We're waiting at the door!' Taekwon also called out.

'Coming!' Taehyung yelled back before he came into view at the top of the stairs with bags packed and the box of photographs under his left arm, 'all packed? All ready?'

Taegeuk nodded, 'Our suitcases are in the trunk, we're ready!'

'Let's load these in then be on our way!' Taehyung grinned, Taekwon took a bag from him and walked out the front door with the keys in hand.

Taehyung passed the box to Taegeuk who then followed behind Taekwon, Taehyung then looked at himself in the mirror and sighed.

'You're taking us on a crazy ride, Alli,' he whispered as he exhaled deeply, 'what do you have planned for us?'

'Let's go, let's go!' Taekwon called out to Taehyung with an obvious smile heard through his voice.

Taehyung closed the door behind him and placed the backpack he held in the backseat before taking his place in the drivers seat.

'Um, Taehyung,' Taekwon began, 'would it be alright if we stop in at our old house on the way there? It's just a few hours out of this town, it's on the way to the beach.'

'I guess we could stop in,' Taehyung answered warily with a slow nod, 'but I don't know what they're doing with the house, we could take a look though.'

'Okay, cool!' Taekwon smiled and sat back in his seat, putting his seatbelt on.

'We could pick up all of the photo albums,' Taegeuk smiled, 'we can show you photos of us as babies!' She laughed.

Taehyung felt his heart growing and warming as his soul began to shine brighter, he turned around in his seat and beamed a smile back at Taegeuk who accepted it with a giggle before she too sat back and put her seatbelt on.

'Wouldn't that be a sight to see.' Taehyung laughed and started the engine.

'There's also this one photo of Taekwon-'

'Stop!' Taekwon interrupted.

'And his hair is really long-'

'Please stop!' Taekwon persisted.

'It was like halfway down his back!' Taegeuk said through laughs, 'everyone thought he was me for aaaaages!'

'Okay, be quiet now!' Taekwon laughed and flailed his arms back at Taegeuk who avoided his grip, 'I was growing it so then I could cut it for cancer...' Taekwon gave up trying to reach for his sister and returned to his seat.

Taehyung was now out on the road, 'That's nice, did you?'

'Of course I did!' Taekwon said with a pointed finger, 'and I would gladly grow my hair out to donate it again!'

Taehyung smiled, 'That's my boy,' He said before patting Taekwon's back, 'what's your home address?'

'Oh, I'll put it in the gps.' Taekwon said as he began typing in the address.

Taehyung sighed and leaned back in his seat, keeping his eyes steady on the road.

This is going to be an unusual adventure.

To Find Her Again [TLTL sequel / COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now