“Okay, so why am I not feeling the urge to kill someone now that Red isn’t here?” I asked absorbing all of the information with ease because I didn’t feel any different well except for my stomach.

“Well when you became the mees kratige, you became stronger, so you don’t feel the need to kill unless you two are in a different continent, you grew stronger as the mees kratige you are the most powerful being along with your dragon,” Kyle explained.

“How do you know so much about this?” I asked gazing at his face.

“That’s where I come in,” Demetri said raising his finger, I turned my gaze to him with a neutral look on my face. “My wife was the mees kratige, and she was the true rider of the former king dragon. The mees kratige can only mate with the true vampires, us, because we are the orginal vampires like the mees kratige. The mees kratige lives for a certain amount of time until fate sees that she has served her time. It’s always a female so she can bare the mate for the next mees kratige, he is born as a pure vampire.” I smiled honored to be the mees kratige, and be in the same category with Kyle’s mom. I looked at Kyle with a smile, but I dropped it to see that he was scratching the skin off of his fists in anger.

“So fate just decides when to take the one someone loves from the people they love, huh?!”  Kyle yelled standing up.

“That’s how it happens son, and we have to accept it…”Demetri started, but was cut off when Kyle knocked him out. And I almost started laughing thinking about Chris Tucker in Friday, “Daaaaaaaaamn! You got knocked the fuck out!!!”. No stay serious! Demetri flew back on the coffee table breaking it, and as soon as he fell he got back up standing over his son as he hissed barring his large fangs at his son. I walked over in between them and stopped a fight I could feel coming on.

“Look now I know this is a lot of information to take in, so how about we all just relax and take a breather,” I said touching both of the men to calm down their heaving chests. Surprisingly as soon as my hands touched their chests, which was an effort might I add, their fangs retracted and they were only frowning down at me.

“She’s learning already,” Demetri said. Kyle pushed my hand away then walked to a room in the back and slammed the door.

“Sorry you had to see that, it’s never that bad,” Demetri explained.

“Already forgiven, but could you explain to me how to use these powers,” I said sitting down.

“Well you basically, you have just think about it then it can happen, that’s for simple things, the more difficult things are the ones that we will explain later,” Demetri explained sitting on the couch.

“So if I think about fixing this table it will…” I started, but was interrupted when the table was rebuilt and back to its normal state before the fight.

“Basically,” Demetri said. I jumped up and down cheering happy that I was able to do something so amazing with just a thought. I ran to the back to the room that Kyle was at and I thought about a large ice cream chocolate Sunday, and it appeared on the floor in front of me with two spoons stuck in it. I cheered again picking up the ice cream and knocking on the door. I heard Kyle whisper come in, I smiled and walked into the room smelling paint and noticing that all three walls were covered with pictures of people that appeared to be his family, and pictures of nature.

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