Chapter One

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Chapter One.

Baileys POV

I quickly changed, and then threw my hair up into a messy bun, and put in a thick headband.

Then I put on my Jordan high tops and walked downstairs, and outside to the Boyz.

"Great, your finally ready!" Nick said as he through the ball at me. I rolled my eyes playfully at him, and then we all took a few quick shots and then started to play.

They made me and Madison be on separate teams since we were the only two that played basketball.

Mad was the boy I was closest to besides Nick. He just as protective as Nick is anyway.

"Can I go back to upstairs now!" I asked as I made the last shot to make our team win. Nick gave me a high-five, they completely ignored what I said, so I ran up to my room.

I quickly took a shower and put on an old pair of sweatpants, and a hoodie, and fell back onto my bed.

I watched TV, until I got bored, and then I went on twitter.

I quickly scrolled through all of the tweets, and most of them I could honestly care less about.

A few 'I want summer' tweets and the occasional tweet about tonight's national championship game.

By the way, go Cardinals!

I just followed a few of the fans, and tweeted them back. I thought it was crazy for people to get so excited that I tweeted them. I mean I could see getting excited over the Boyz, but oh well.

Eventually I got bored, so I got up and got ready.

I put on a pair of jeans and my new 'go cards' t-shirt that me and Emma found at the mall last night.

We each got one, and decided today would be a twinning day.

Then I loosely curled my hair, and braided back my bangs. I put on a little make-up, but not a lot, just in time to hear the doorbell ring. I was at the top of the steps, and yelled,

"Its Emma. I'll get it." Then I started down the stairs.

"No I will!" Nick yelled and jumped off the couch. Then we both sprinted to the door.

I was almost on the handle when nick grabbed me and pulled me back. We were fighting for a little, until Madison just came over and let Emma in.

"Not cool Mad!" I yelled at him. Nick just gave him a weird look.

Mad laughed at us, and then we turned our attention to Emma.

"Hey twin!" I said as I hugged her.

"Hey baby doll!" She said back.

Nick was standing behind me looking all sad, so I sighed and let Emma go, and stepped out of the way.

Emma ran to him gave him and hug and they kissed. It was still really weird for me having my brother and my best friend dating, but I'll get over it eventually.

When they were done, I made Nick take a picture of my and Emma, and I quickly tweeted it,

'me and my babe, @/EmmaMara twinning for tonight game. #/gocards!'

Then I put my phone away.

We all sat and talking for a while, and then it was 7:00, and all the other girls started showing up.

We were all good friends, so all the girls took a picture together, and then my mom took a picture of the entire group. I tweeted both of them also, and then just sat down next to Emma watching the pre-game, as we waited for it to begin.

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