Piper: Through Space and Time

Start from the beginning

I shake my head to try get back on track, "Focus Piper!  We have to find Rowan" I tell myself.  I walk around the edge of the clock, examining each mirror and what it shows.  Just as I think that the search is futile, on of the mirrors catch my attention.  I stop.  This mirror is blue and green and unlike the other mirrors that served as a 'looking-glass' into the other dimensions, this one just reflects my image.  I stare at it, "Why is this mirror different?" I start to reach towards the mirror, and as I do, I feel my eyes grow misty and heavy, as if I am in some sort of trance.  Soon, my hand makes contact with the mirror, it's shiny surface ripples like water, sucking my hand, and then my entire body, into the mirror.


"Leave me alone!" I shout as an 8 year old to the bullies
"We don't have to listen to a freak like you!" one of them laughs and pushes me to the ground
"Your just a glitch, you don't belong here!"
"Yea, why don't you just disappear?" the first one asks and he kicks me as if I'm dirt. I shakily stand up and brush off the dirt.
"Just stay down already" the second one laughs and pushes me again. But this time I stand my ground.
"I said, Leave me alone!" I shout and without thinking, I thrust my fist forward and I punch one of them in the nose. He screams and shouts, clutching his nose.  I can see the blood starting to seep through his fingers.
"You broke my nose!" he shouts. The adrenaline finally runs out and I shakily step back, looking at my hands. "What have I done?"
"A-Are you ok?" I ask
"Get away from us you-you monster!!!!!!"

*Switch Flashback*

" Just get the d*mn project done!" my mom yells at me
"I am trying!!!!" I shout back and turn away to look at my poster board
"Look at me when I am talking to you!" she shouts at me
"Well do you want me to work on my project or not?!" I shout over my shoulder
"I said to look at me when I'm talking to you!" she shouts, she clutches my shoulder and forces me to turn around.  Once I am facing her she slaps me then proceeds to push me to the ground.  While I am sobbing on the ground in a crumpled heap, I can hear her shouting "I don't like this attitude of yours!!!!  Stop your crying and finish the project!"

*Switch Flashback*

"See," I tell my friend Jayden as I roll up the rug in the center of my room and point to a loose floorboard  "I have been stashing trinkets and things in here" I say as I lift up the floorboard to show her the things that I have put in my hiding spot.
"Do your parents know about this?" She asks as I take out a small safe box with some money that I put in there
"Of course not, or it wouldn't be a secret hiding space" I say as I take out a bag of sunflower seeds to offer to her.  Though I am surprised to find that she is frowning in obvious disapproval.
"This isn't right Piper, you shouldn't do this" she tells me
"But Mele said that it was fine, besides I'm not hurting anyone"
"Well I have been your friend for the longest time and I think you should listen to me"
"If you don't tell then I will" she glares at me, "Well?"
"Fine then" she says and walks out of the room, slamming the door behind her. "She won't tell right? She's my oldest friend, she'd never betray me like that"

*The Next Day*
"Piper!" my mom yells to me from, upstairs in my room. I run up the stairs to find her standing next to my hiding place, all the things that were once in the hole are all spread out everywhere "What is the meaning of this?!"
"It's my-"
"I just got a call from Jayden's mom saying that you were hiding things in your room! You are grounded for a month!"
"I don't care! Clean all this up! We are having a serious discussion about this tonight!"

~End Flashback~

My eyes widen and my mind immediately wakes up. I immediately retract my hand from the mirror. There is not way I'm going back there. At least not yet. I know that the others must be eager to get back but I'm not ready yet. Not ready for all of this to end, not ready to face what I've been running from. It's not right for me to keep all of this from them, to keep my past from them... but, rejection will sure to follow. I don't want to be betrayed, ignored, and left alone in the dark anymore.... I don't want to go back. I can feel the tears slipping from my eyes, I don't want to go back....

One tear, two tears, three tears, four. Every tear, every rejection, every betrayal, every moment of being invisible, every venomous word shot at me. No sobbing, not screaming, just silent crying as every tear drips down from my eyes. Why? Why can't I be happy? Why must my tears go unheard? Why can I never find peace?

"Piper? Amy?" I hear Dan's voice say, piercing through the silence.
"Weirdos? Where are y'all?" Christina calls out
I look around, where are those voices coming from. I look around at all the mirrors until a glint of light from the corner of my eye catches my attention. I turn to the direction of the light and I see a modern-contemporary type mirror. The mirror seems to be glowing slightly, as if it's a light leading me out of the darkness. A final tear slips from my eyes. But this one is different, this one is a tear of happiness. They care. I walk towards the mirror. The mirror shows me Dan and Christina calling out my name in a New York City type street, both of them looking rather worried. A slight smile finds it's way to my face and I reach out my hand to touch the mirror. They may not know.... but that doesn't matter because what matters is now. What matters is finding Rowan and dispelling this darkness that looms over this world. I will protect this world for this darkness. I will find Rowan. I will overcome this darkness. No matter what. Even if it means traveling through space and time.

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