Amy: The Book

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Amy's POV
"It seems we were all called here" I say to the other girls
"It seems so, but the real question is why?" The girl with glasses asks
"Screw that! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU PEOPLE????!!!!" The girl that is wearing lots of bangles asks, waving her arms like a crazy person
"Yeah, who are you weridos?" The girl holding a chocolate bar asks
"I'm Amy" I say introducing myself with a smile
"I'm Piper" The one with glasses says waving
"My name is Rowan!" The girl with bangles shouts pointing to herself
"Hi! I'm Christian!" The girl holding the chocolate bar says pointing the chocolate at herself
"What's that thing?!" Rowan yells pointing at the chest
"I don't know, I was just about to open it" I tell them
"Why would you do that!" Piper exclaims, "You don't know where it's been, how old it is, who touched it, or what's inside! There could be a dead body in there!" Piper rants then proceeds to talk about all the germs and diseases that could be inhabiting the chest.
"Forget that! I wanna know if there is a map that could get me home in there!" Christina shouts flipping the lid of the chest open and then taking out a book.
"Careful with that! Paper this old could crumble if you handle it too rough" I tell her taking the book from her hands
"Ew! Why did you touch it?! The Black Plague could be on it!" Piper shouts backing away a little
"Shut Up! Just open the damn book already!" Rowan yells
"Ok, ok, jeez hold your horses!" I tell her just as I start to open the book
"What horses?" Christina asks while the rest of us sweat-drop. I continue to open the book and everyone gathers around me. The page that I opened the book to depicts a busy city street festival similar to what fairy tales depict, suddenly the page starts to glow and for a second we are all blinded by light.

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