Chapter 2 ~ For a Night

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Many Years Later

"...and for the main reason why I summoned you here," N continues, "is because I want to send you to Earth and destroy the one Demi-Wolf that lives. He is unaware of his Demi-Wolf form, so be careful."

"Yes, Master N." Ravi bows.

"You are dismissed." Ravi leaves the Throne Room and goes through many maze-like halls and arrives at the bottom of a staircase. He begins to go up the stairs. He had many thoughts on his mind, but there were priorities. First was killing this Demi-Wolf. Second was obtaining the final ingredient to the immortality potion, the ingredient that grew only Earth only among humans. Third was turning to the mythical Shadow Demon. Ravi, on his way up the long stairs, pulled a scrap of paper from his pocket. It was old and tattered, but still preserved. Ravi had torn in from a book. It said, "...Demons were originated from evil deeds and sins, eventually charged with the fires of Hell. But this was prevented by Angels many months later, but an everlasting, immortal Shadow Demon beyond any power lived on. But once tracked down by a swarm of Angels, it was taken down with the whole group. Legend tells the Shadow Demon's spirit awaits the worthy one in the first fires of Hell, watching for the one it would possess." Ravi pushed the paper back into his pocket. He hoped he would seem worthy on this quest Master N had sent him on. Arriving at the top, Ravi walks through what seems like a sudden patch of void in the wall. It was a portal, the Underworld side of the Gate of Hell. On the Earth side, where he reappeared, it seemed like a gate standing bright in the midst of a dark forest - despite the afternoon it was. Ravi made his way out the forest, shifting to human form - dark brown hair, hazel eyes, pale skin that wasn't the ghostly pale-ish white it used to be. His clothes were changed, too, to a red shirt and ripped jeans. He would track down this Demi-Wolf on foot, and by then it would be night... Like all creatures of Hell, Ravi would need permission to enter the being's home. But Ravi would find a way, for he was Ravi.

The sun was dancing on the horizon when Ravi found the street the Demi-Wolf lived on with his sensing skills. The scent of the Demi-Wolf was very strong. The sky turned to pink, then to a lavender. Ravi stepped onto the doorsteps of the home he sensed the target inside. He decided he would be sneaky with the murder. He knocked on the door. The door opened, revealing a tall male with light pale skin, black hair, black eyes and he wore all black. Ravi blinked - black eyes. He was sure this was the one. "Please," Ravi begged, going into actor mode. "I need help. People are after me!" Ravi focused all his poor-seeming looks into his expression. He had ripped and made his clothing tattered along the way.

"Come. But I need you to explain... This," the Demi-Wolf said. Ravi, with the permission, entered the house and politely took off his shoes. He's foolish, Ravi mentally noted, but put the thoughts aside. He would have to be human-like. The Demi-Wolf gestured for him to sit on a armchair. He obeyed, and the Demi-Wolf sat across him. "Who are these 'people' you speak of?" Someone's eager, Ravi thinks to himself.

"I was heading home, and I made a wrong turn. I didn't realize it since I moved in just a few days ago. I wasn't familiar. So when I was well into the neighborhood, a gang of people jumped out of an alleyway and began to ask for my money and valuables. They were distracted momentarily by a police officer who had been nearby, and I ran but they chased after me after killing the police man himself. Then I turned countless streets and came here after I lost them... I think."

"They had firearms?" Ravi nodded, unsure what firearms even were. But it was a good choice, as the Demi-Wolf seemed a bit uneasy after this reply. "The criminals around here are very clingy. You should wait. It's 'cause not many people roam at dusk, dawn or in the night and they don't get a lot of crime done. I bet they're searching now. Can you stay the night?" Ravi had to use every ounce of will to stop himself from looking surprised.

"Y-Yes, if you're okay with it." Ravi was a bit annoyed - at himself. Why was he so surprised?! To this Demi-Wolf, it seemed like a casual thing. So why wasn't it for him? After silence, the Demi-Wolf spoke up.

"Oh! How rude of me. My name is Jung Taekwoon - you?" Bloodmoon wolf, Ravi thought. His name meant Bloodmoon wolf. And, for what Ravi read in the old library back in Hell when he was young, Bloodmoon wolves were the most dangerous types of wolves. They were born all on one of five dates, November 10, January 14, May 7, October 12, and April 22 in the human calendar, the nights of the Bloodmoon - yet, no human born on this date knew this. Well first of all, those five dates were the rarest dates of human birth according to that book. Secondly, humans had a certain eye level that was different to creatures of the Underworld and Heaven, that they saw the Bloodmoon as a regular moon. Despite this, Ravi knew Taekwoon would be ultimately powerful if he was a Bloodmoon werewolf and a vampire at once. Ravi saw Taekwoon now as a bigger threat than ever to himself, and, of course, Hell. Ravi noticed he was spacing out, and quickly answered.

"My name is Kim Wonsik." It was the truth anyways. It became awkward in the room, until Taekwoon started another conversation. The atmosphere eased, and Taekwoon and Ravi realized they had a lot in common. For a moment, Ravi felt something new. But he couldn't pinpoint what it was.

Taekwoon felt the same thing.

Taekwoon was, though, hesitant to admit that he felt it. He pushed the feeling away, knowing well enough what it was - although no more experienced in it than Ravi.

"It's getting late," Taekwoon says. "Follow me. There's only one bedroom, so..." Taekwoon and Ravi grew silent. Taekwoon began to fight completely against the nasty thoughts that entered his head. I'm not gay, am I? "You can borrow some of my clothes." Ravi followed Taekwoon to his bedroom, and Taekwoon searched through his closet.

"It's fine, though. I can sleep with this. It's only tonight, isn't it?" Taekwoon closed his closet, masking his slight disappointment with Ravi's tone. Only tonight.

"O-Okay. Are you hungry? Did you eat anything?"

"I'm fine, but thanks." Ravi suddenly realized he was thirsty instead, as all creatures of Hell were more thirsty than hungry. But his thrist would only be quenched with...


Ravi's eyes widened as he tried to remember his last time he had fed. That was a month ago. He was too thirsty to hold it now, but he'd have to. He would need to feed on this Demi-Wolf after he killed him... Or was it safe to drink such creature's blood? Ravi's eyes flashed red once.

"W-Wonsik?" Fear shot through Taekwoon.

"Y-Yeah? Is something wrong?"

"Your eyes..." Taekwoon no longer trusted his voice.


"They were red."

"Red? You must be seeing things. You look tired, Taekwoon. Or maybe it's just the light," Ravi quickly said.

"T-The light." Taekwoon tried to reassure himself that there were no red eyes to people, that it was indeed just the light since he wasn't even that tired 'cause he had a nap earlier today. He was wide awake, and something deep within him stirred as he looked straight into Ravi's eyes. The same feeling took place in the pit of Ravi's stomach. "You can sleep now, if you want."

"Are you sure? You don't need me to help you with anything to repay you?" Taekwoon nodded. "You seem so tired. You can sleep. You can sleep alone, too, if I'm uncomfortable to you."

"Oh, no. I'm perfectly fine with you here," Taekwoon silently added, even more than fine, "I guess I'll sleep too." He tried to sound as if he was worn out and was being truthful. But he doubted Ravi believed his tone. They both, at 11PM, slipped into the large bed that fit them both perfectly. To his own surprise, Taekwoon's eyelids became heavy. Well, I guess I could sleep with Wonsik for a little bit...

Ravi watched as the male before him closed his eyes. Taekwoon drifted off into a eased sleep, and his breathing evened. Ravi's hand went to Taekwoon's nape after a long time's hesitation. He did not wake. Ravi drew Taekwoon closer, tempted by two completely different things - Taekwoon's pink lips, and the unusually strong scent of Taekwoon's blood. Ravi hesitated, then took back his hand completely. What was this new feeling that set him on edge? The thought of Master N's quest dissolved into the back of Ravi's mind, and Ravi too drifted into a night's sleep.

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