dream again.....or reality?

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Chapter 2

another night of a dream i wanted to be true...!

Yesterday went alright. just a little more load at office. i met my two best boyfriends today and i tried telling them about the craving i was having about vampires lately but for a reason i dont know i couldnt tell them. yesterday at some intervals i could hear some voices, confused voices and i could'nt recognise whether they were inside or outside my head.

i got up at 1:34 to be exact last night or i should say midnight. it got up suddenly. i don't know whether it was a dream or reality but it was beautiful. some MAN was lying besides me watching me sleep peacefully and then caressing my hand and cheeks. he picked up my hair falling to my cheek and put them behind my ear and accidently touched it and i woke up. the strange part was that when i got up i saw the curtains fly and when i felt the weather outside it was completely still.

i felt a sudden chill go down my backbone thinking as to what if it was really true. but then my mind argued with myself saying that if it were true how could i see him see me sleeping. i sat for a while. i was a little scared but then again a voice in me spoke "soul.....isn't this what you wanted?"

i shivered with a chill.


the voice called out for me again and i felt as if it was calling me to itself and the voice was so manly and velvety. i was having hot flushes and chills at the same time in my body. i wondered where the voices were coming from. i tried to get hold of them but all i was left with in the end was BLACK.....and all BLANK!

my heart throbbed and i just wanted to close my eyes and sleep so deeply that i would not get up till morning again. i lied back on my soft cotony bed took the warm cozy blanket cover my body and just five minutes after i made that wish......i was asleep. i could feel and listen but could not react or respnd or move or open my eyes. i didn't want to open them fearing to see something fierce and then i did'nt realise when i fell asleep.

i woke up and the alarm buzzed five seconds later. i still had the feeling of last night in me. my head was heavy but i still got up and got ready and all the time i thought about that feeling in me. i felt heavy not only physically but also that i had something more in me than before. i felt it but couldn't know what it is.

with a heavy head and eyes more inside than before i went to office and did everything alright but just a heavy feeling. whenever in the entire day i heard those mixed and confusing voices i tried to clear out mind and listen to what it was telling me. i was a little of every feeling in me, frustration, fear, love, secured and a desperacy to know it all. the desperacy dominated all the other feelings and i never felt myself so full ever.

when i went home i felt tired and took some air meditated for a while and then got to bed again. my eyes were open but i was thinking and concentrating so hard on the incident i felt as if i was sleeping and i was draming about it and after a while i found that yes, i went to thinking about it and was dreaming about it.

"need help analysing that swwetheart?"

the warm voice spoke again and i bursted out of sleep and realised that it speaks to me only in my head so i thought "who are you?"

and instantly i got a reply "you are smart that you could figure out the communication between us".

"who are you?" i questioned again in my thoughts.

"you really want to know, don't you baby? okay then, looks on your right....."

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