"You goddamn piece of shit," I growl as he finds his balance and I realize I may have said that a little too loud, but I couldn't care. His eyes turn even darker than they already are and he laughs sarcastically. 

"So you found me to be the hero huh?" he says, stuttering slightly in between his words, "And I'm not the piece of shit here, you are," he retorts angrily. 

"Says the one being irresponsible," I pause, "You fucking left your family for a glass of whiskey? What kind of man are you?" I spit, shaking my head slightly. 

"Hell of a lot better one than you," he says, narrowing his eyes, "I don't need you to tell me about my actions, I know exactly what the fuck I'm doing," he spats, his hand gripping the barstool for support. 

"So what are you doing then?" I say rhetorically, trying to control my anger down, but it's not helping me that much. His own jaw clenches and he doesn't say anything. "That's what I thought," I laugh bitterly, "You're not getting anything out of this. You're a fucking coward, that's all you are," I spit, laughter still beneath my words. 

"Don't fucking talk to me like that, Martijn," he scolds sloppily, "How am I the coward when you killed someone and still won't take responsibility for it?" he comments with an amused look on his face. 

My own face drops and I feel myself turning red from anger. I try to slow my angered breathing down but nothing is working. That's at. I'm fucking done with him for good. Without even realizing it, my right hand raises up and collides against his face. 

"Fuck you," I growl as a few gasps come around the bar. 

"Martijn, you just don't get it do you?" he laughs sarcastically, a devilish smirk growing on his face. Before I can ask what he is on about, I feel myself stumbling backwards when I feel his fists now collide with my cheekbone. 

"Shit," I mutter, holding my face from the pain. I don't hold it for long, not wanting him to think he has hurt me that badly. I feel every inch of my body explode with all of the anger I have built up from him and I launch at him again. 

I punch him again, but it barely hits him as his own hand knocks the breath out of me from contact to my stomach. When he tries to hit my face again, I stop his hand and successfully hit the other side of his face. 

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" somebody yells and we both look over to see an angry man behind of the bar, "Either you two knock it off or go outside," he says with angry eyes. I shove my father off of me and he stumbles once again. It's quite funny to me because he is such a bastard he can't own up to what he is doing. 

"Don't worry, I'm done with him," I reply to the guy before turning on my heels to leave. I almost make it out of the bar until I hear his voice say my name. 

"Can't you see Martijn?" he slightly yells from across the bar, "You can't come in here and fight me over being irresponsible. We all know you're the exact same, just look at what happened last summer," he adds with laughter again. 

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