" Well I've been hanging on... While life's pulling me a long." She said sadly.

" Well just keep your head up, things will get better!" I said trying to lighten up her spirit.

" Thanks I'll try, see you later." She said walking away I nodded.

We left the Cafe and wondered through the halls.

" I'm guessing that was your ex-" Xyana asked. " Yea and how'd you know?" I asked.

" I can tell by your body language, the way you talked to her." She said. I snickered and stared at her.

" You sure are genius." We laughed and continued to walk through the halls until reaching the calls Xy had next.

We stopped in front of the door to say goodbyes but only until after school.

" so I'll see you after school right? Maybe we can go get a warm drink" I said stuffing my hands in my pocket.

" I would love to!" She said and smiled. I watched her twirl her honey blonde curls around her finger. She was so humble and interesting. When I'm with her it's like a new adventure every time.

" Every time we talk you seem to get lost in my eyes." She said turns around and heads into class.

Again I'm astounded. She seems to know everything. I'm attractive to it though.

Tiana POV:
I enter class early taking a seat all the way in the back. Since lunch I've been feeling even worse since me and Brandon's argument yesterday.

But seeing Jaden happy with another girl as it seems makes me feel bad because he's happy and I'm not, when im the one that broke up with him.

Soon enough class was in session and the teacher was going on and on about the project being due tomorrow.

" This weeks project is about, a vision.
I know there's many great ideas running through your young heads, so I want you guys to come up with a presentation." The class booed and awed until she quieted them.

" Would you guys like to take a 46 question test instead?-" the class went silent and she laughed.

" That's what I thought. Now you guys are going to get to chose your partners and I want you to get out of your comfort zone. Think out of the box, creatively-"

" I want it to be about making the world a better place. It doesn't have to be about recycling, bullying and violence go deeper and really think." She said walking around.

" I am gonna hand you guys out these packets that are gonna be your brainstorming packet that comes with the overview of the project also." She said passing out papers.

" I'm gonna give you the rest of the class to work, so please chose someone that will get work done!" She said furrowing her brow.

Kehlani turned over to me and smiled, I already knew she wanted to work with me. Pretty soon Brandon's gonna be over here in my face too.

I watched as Jaden got up and walked over to the teachers desk. He was asking a question and pointing to the packet. She shook her head yes and he smiled walking back to his seat.

" Are you ok girl? You've been quiet this whole day." Kay said pulling her chair closer to me.

I rested my head down in my arm and shrugged my arms. She rubbed back and whispered " is it that time of month?" She said furrowing her brow, I giggled and shook my head meaning no.

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