A Weird Dream...

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You dreamt that Tony was modeling jean diapers...


After five bowls of confetti ice cream and the song Work It, by Iggy, playing as you slept you dreamt about Steve twerking while riding a graham cracker on a river of confetti ice cream.


You dreamt about Bruce dancing atop a rainbow with rabbits and squirrels. They were all holding hands and singing until a Lady Bug landed on his shoulder then he screamed and you woke up.


Pietro was running naked through the store and then jumped off the escalator and flew out the window in slow motion. In the clouds he was bathed in apple juice and a loincloth that was tiger printed was wrapped around his waist...that was your dream.


The dream started out normal. You two were on a date and he had the menu up and when you asked what he wanted he dropped it and saw that it was his body but not his face...instead it a was the head of that panda bear stuffed animal he gave you on your birthday. He then started to sing in a helium voice to you. Chocolate was them chucked at you...it hurt.


He was that pop tart cat in that one game. But instead of the head of the pop tart cat it was Thor's face. His butt would shoot rainbows and little pizzas, doughnuts, and pop tarts would fly into his mouth. It was insane.


He was in a pink sparkly tutu. He had no shirt and wore long knee high pink socks. A tiara and fluffy pink scarf and lipstick completed the outfit...actually...was that even a dream?


Once you asked Loki to dance with you and he said no. That night you dreamt that he was in Asgard wearing his casual attire (what he wore in Thor, you know?). Everyone was dancing except him. Then suddenly he smiled really bit and he lifted his tunic and started a leg kick with all the hairy legged warriors of Asgard. It was horrific.


A couple of these relate to real dreams...eheheheh.

Hope you liked it and it made you laugh!!! XD

Sorry if it didn't... :(


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