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So I had some request for Loki so I did a catch-up chapter for you Loki lovers. ;)

How You Met

It was a sad rainy day, your boyfriend dumped you, you lost your job, and your car wants you to excersise and walk three miles alone in the rain. But hey! At least you've got a raincoat. Whoopee... You slammed the door shut and started walking, hoping that there were no creepers hiding in the foliage surounding the road. You didn't get ten feet out until you heard a twig crack. You frantically looked all around you but thankfully saw nothing. Then the rain suddenly stopped, well not entirley just around you, you look all around you and yelp when you see a strange man a couple yards behind you. He wore weird clothes and was really tall, he was skinny but looked cunning and mischevious.

"Where did you come from?! Are you stalking me?" You asks, panicked.

"Far away, I got kicked out, or punished I guess."

"Ha, looks like we both got dumped."

He laughs lightly and then saunters my way. "Tell me mortal, do you know a place where I can stay?" He spoke rather formerly yet there was this strange charm to him. You were a big sucker for fate, so perhaps this man is going to become something special in your life. You couldn't get rid of him yet. "Yeah, there is motel a mile out from here. Want to crash there?" You quickly decided you should just stay at the motel too, worry about home and your car tomorrow.

He lifted an eyebrow as if considering and then spoke. "I suppose that means we are companions then?"

"Yeah, guess it does."

Habits of Yours He Loves

Humming. He thinks you have a really beautiful voice, he really loves listening to it.

Habits of His You Love

You love it when he puffs his cheeks and looks up at the sky. He does it whenever he can't find the right words for something. He does a lot when he is around you. "Its because whenever I'm around you I'm at a loss for words." He claims.


Loki is a shape shifter for crying out loud! He loves to shift as a cat and you happen to do a LOT of embarrassing things around cats. Once you got them you get crazy, as in shake the all around screaming nonsense crazy. And you know those "kisses" you give kittens but its really just you sticking their head in your mouth...yeah. But hey, what can ya say? You love cats...

Favorite Thing To Do Together

Horseback riding and hunting. You two just love to go on adventurous rides together, hunting with bows.

First Thoughts

"What is the crazy girl doing...oh. She's alone, abondoned, like me. Maybe I shall accompany her."

He Asks You Out

You went over to his place for just a friendly chat when things suddenly got quiet, you two haven't been able to hold up friendly chatter as easy as it was when you two first met, things now would suddenly get quiet and awkward as if you guys didn't know what to say anymore. Did you like this man of mystery? You glanced at him, his eyes were closed and his lips in a tight line with hands clasped, as if thinking. You looked down when his eyes suddenly opened and immediately fell on your own. "Y/N love?"

You look up curiously and slightly smile. "Yes?"

"Would you like to uh um-acompany me on He said the word date as if it was an alien word. A big grin pulled on your lips instantly.

"I suppose Loki." You mischievously smiled, to which he happily returned.

First Kiss

It was the day one of your exs kept stalking you. You were walking home alone whrn he ran into along the street and wouldn't stop pestering you on how good you looked or how he "missed" you. He would often then ask if the rumors were true about me having a boyfriends to which you would reply that it was none of his business. Suddenly he was slammed against the wall and a steaming mad Loki was stating madly into his eyes. "Shes with me." He seethed. The guy stumbled away and Loki teuned around quickly, dipped you, and gave a long passionte kiss. "See? Mine." He smiles before you attacked hisnlips for another kiss.

Your Guys Pet

A horse named Slephnir. (Jellybeans for whoever understood this reference)


His: Babe

You: Love

What Your Friends Think

"He's handsome and sly, and one hell of a guy but we know he trully loves you."

What Your Family Thinks

"I don't trust him, but I do like him..."

He Says He Loves You

You two were walking togwther around the country when he grabbed you hand and turned you to face him. "How dobyou feel right now?"

"Uh happy, Loki, I'm having a wonderful evening with you. Is there something wrong?"

"What about all the other days with me? he looks at you, his eyes yearning for answer.

"Great Loki, I feel great. With you, I feel the happiest I've ever felt in a long time, I mean that."

"So you won't mind if I say something crazy?"

"Not at all."

He smiles. "Good because I love you Y/N."

You gasp and grin. "I love you too Loki."

What You Love About Him

His eyes.

What He Loves About You

Your boldness.

What He Does When You Aren't Around

He plays mine craft and other video games online with people driving them mad because he's just naturally that good. He also songs Christmas songs in his PJs.

What Your Scared Of

Shadows. Honestly, after that one Supernatural episode of the shadows killing your own shadow which results in you dead, you've been freaked ever since.

What He Is Scared Of

Cats. They're too freaky and unpredictable, they are cunning and kinda selfish but very him.

He Walks In On You

He probably did it on purpose. He chuckled shamelessly and and applauded saying, "Oh darling, you look ravishing."

Something Of His You Steal

His helmet. Honestly you would run around the house, frolicking and kicking your heels like you one of Santas very own reindeer while singing "Rudolf the Rednose Reindeer."

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