Fighting/Part Two

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Sorry that these are so long but stuff like this can't merely be 'summarized', I find that sloppy. You guys must get the 'full effect' (or at least that's what I'm attempting to give you). And btw part two consist of Pietro, Bucky, Thor, and Clint. I might start doing that for all the lengthy ones for now on. (fighting, cheating, making up, he says i love you, and so on and so forth) Hope these are good enough that you'll need a tissue box! :,)


You were finally fed up with it, you have put up with it long enough. Pietro had humiliated you in front of your friends, family, and fellow workers. He has humiliated you in public and privately. And that isn't the worst of it, the worst of it is that it's all just a big joke to him. He can almost never be serious. He's always "kidding" and telling you not to take things so personally. He's always teasing you for not putting up for a simple banter.

He never takes responsibility for anything, you never hear a sorry just excuses and you're sick of it. He shrugs all the important stuff to you aside, like it's nothing. It hurts, why put yourself in a relationship that only hurts?

You loved yourself, you did- but you still had insecurities. A boyfriend isn't supposed to make you feel like shit and degrade you. They should support you and should contribute to making you stronger as you be there for them and do the same. Relationships should be powerful and make two great people even stronger as a team...

In frustration you slam the lid down on your suitcase and zip it up. Pietro won't be back till eleven so that gives you only twenty minutes to finish packing and leave. 'Come on Y/N, have a joke. It's nothing,' a voice plays in your head. 'That's worthless, why even bother to believe that?' He scoffs. 'Ah chill out kitty, just a little fun.' You're huffing now with pent up anger and hurt and knock over a nearby picture of you both breaking it. "Y/N? Is that you?" Pietro's home now, too late. You turn around, tears threatening to spill, when his figure appears in the doorway. First concern clouds his face when he sees me shaking but then disbelief washes over his face when he sees the suitcase and the broken picture. "Y/N-"

"I'm leaving." You say firmly. He opens and closes his mouth, refusing to believe this. "Pietro, I can't do this-this stupid game where I pretend I'm okay with you ignoring how I feel. I just can't. Go find some other girl to humiliate okay?" You try to push past him but he speeds ahead of you and blocks your path. "What do you mean?" He is angry. His eyes were fierce and his brows lowered- you could tell he wanted to yell.

A mouthful of angry words escape his lips. "I've been here for you everyday I can hun, I care about you than anyone else possibly can in this world! I know I'm not here all the time but I'v got a job, a job that actually matters!" He seethes, his voice raising. You flinched inwardly- your job was no superhero gig like his but it meant a lot to you and you worked hard for it. "And if that isn't good enough, I don't know what to do. Unless you want me to quit my job, is that what you want? I already basically give you everything, why not my job? Is that enough for you? Will that make you happy?" His face is now inches away from yours, hot anger radiating off of him. Your heart was racing, you didn't understand why he was the angry one now. In fact, it pissed you off- you're the one who's been treated like shit. He's selfish to be thinking this way, if anything you're always there for him. Sure, maybe he tries to be there but he always got easily overwhelmed and irritable when it came to his job and you asked for something and simply just missed him and would ask for more time...yet on that though, maybe you're the selfish one.

You huff, trying to be strong but instead the huff turned into a shaky breath. Tears, that were already ready to spill, pooled up and fell down your cheeks like waterfalls. His face relaxes and goes from angry to concerned when he sees how upset you trully feel now. For a while you were just crying when he touched your shoulder, "Don't touch me! Don't touch me you-you asshole! Do you not see how unhappy you make me feel? I just want to leave! You always mock and make fun of the things I care deeply about, you never take me or my feelings seriously. You always humiliate me and you never say sorry! Even now you can't see it! Even now you're putting this all on me and how I don't appreciate you. Well fuck you!" You slap him away again when he tries to hug you, your eyes are so coated with tears that he is just a blur. "You never say sorry Pietro, ever." His face fell and he was silent, you pushed past him and went into the room to grab the rest of your things. When you came back through the hallway he was still standing there, motionless. The only thing in motion was a tear falling from his left cheek.

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