Safe Part II- Bucky

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Soft smokey swirls float around you face, pulling you back to consciousness. Confusion. The first thing that came to mind was confusion. That's to be expected though.

Your eyes slowly opened, gently trying to take in the scene. It took a couple seconds but soon you had both eyes opened and focused on grey asphalt laying on your right side, sprinkled with glass and blood. Your breath hitched and then noticed the eerie silence...wait no. A long blaring tone was steadily ripping away silence. It took a moment to register but you realized it was a truck horn.

You blinked a couple times as if it would make sense of what was happening. A million thoughts clouding your head.

You turned your head away from the asphalt and moved your head to look ahead. Looking through the damaged windshield, spider webbed with cracks, you saw the world looking back at you on an angle. Your car was laying on its right side, your side of the car. You squinted, as if you could make sense of what you saw, and then reached across your torso to unbuckle.  Your arm wasn't cooperating though so you used the other. You winced as you fell from your seat, landing on the sharp glass. You cried out in pain when your arm made contact with the door.

Kicking out the rest of the windshield you crawled out the car and were hit with the bitter chill. Slowly rising up you saw the wreckage. You took a hesitant step away from your car and noticed that your whole body was trembling.

Blinking rapidly you turned in a circle, looking at the whole mess. The semi collided head on with a small sports car. The trailer of the semi swung out, blocking out the road and the small sports car remained pinned between the side of the road and the semi. A van, with the whole front smashed in, lay yards away from your car.

You could see the outline of still forms in the van and saw blood trickle down the side of the passenger window. A small cry hiccupped in your throat as you took an unconscious step towards the van. You wanted to stop but couldn't.

The world was still and you were all that was moving, step by step.

After the fifth step you saw a Yankees baseball cap laying amidst the shards of glass. It was dirty and stained with blood. Then all the thoughts came crashing at once.

Its Bucky's birthday. You bought tickets. You two were in the car...lights bright lights... and a truck...panic! "BUCKY!"

A strangled cry came from your throat as you staggered towards the hat. "Bucky?" You cried hoarsely, your voice barely came above a whisper though. You cried out again and started to cry, unable to stop yourself from going towards the hat.

As you approached the hat you saw the  dark blood staining it. You gently reached down and picked up the hat. As you were reaching down you saw a shoe but as you came closer you saw it was a leg.

You whimpered and edged closer and saw that the body mere inches from falling off the drop off. Thick blood blood was pooling around his head and torso making it hard to see who it was. But you knew.

Tears filmed your eyes, blurring the horrific scene. Your throat burned, threatening to choke up. You wanted to scream at Bucky but you only stared and silently cried.

You knew.

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