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Tony tends to drape himself across you, he also snores, you don't mind...much. He has the mist adorable sleeping face to make up for it.


He first drapes an arm around you but once he thinks you have fallen asleep he pulls you onto his chest and softly strokes your hair until he sleeps. You never are asleep though when he does that, you like to stay awake until he does that so you can hear his steady heartbeat.


Bruce pulls you in a hug while you sleep. You two face each other, arms and legs tangled, and your face nestled in his chest while he lays his chin on the top of your head.


Pietro lays on his stomach, his arms and legs slayed out claiming the bed (and you). You tend to lay on your side, curled up like a little egg. Usually your holding on to one of his arms like its your teddy bear. :)


He's the classic spooner. He'll be the big spoon and you'll be his little spoon. Its really cute though because he talks in his sleep and so do you. You two have sleep-talking conversations, its totally adorable. You two talk about everything, from gummy bears to jellybeans from ponies to narwhals.


You and Thor are all over the bed but never seem to touch each other. The night will start out as the classic spooning but then develops into touch everything crevice on the bed but your spouse.


You sleep normally on your stomach clutching a space where Clint used to be, Clint would be under the covers at the end of the bed curled up in a little ball. Unconsciously he manages to do that every night at precisely 2:34 in the morning. I don't know why. But when he isn't there he's clutching you protectingly, his lips pressed softly on the top of your head.


You two always get tangled up in bed. Its like an unconscious game of Twister. It takes fifteen minutes to get untangled in the morning.

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