Snark and Spark II- Tony and Pietro

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This is for all of you who requested part two. Sorry it's so late! Things have been happening and I just haven't had the inspiration. It seems to only come around 2am XD (wow I wrote this forever ago- this is new me)

Who here are absolutely heads over heels for this little sarcastic speedster? Who are all my sassy Tony lovers out there too? You gotta love this narcissistic ass...

Oh btw, love you all!



"What foolery is this!?!" Thor's voice boomed. His tray clattered across the floor causing the purple medicine to fly about and the ceramic mug to shatter on the wall.

"Thor Odinson!" I scolded, running to pick up the mess. "What was that for?!?"

Thor looked away a bit embarrassed and then a pouty look overcame his face, his bottom lip sticking out. "I have no need for mortal remedies. I'm perfectly healthy. Men like me do not catch colds."  He spat the last word out with disgust.

I crossed my arms and stuck out my right hip, shaking my head. "I don't care. Drink your medicine." I said sternly, shaking the medicine bottle in front of his face. Thor, hesitantly, nodded and grumbles as I picked up the medicine cup and poured some more for him. I shoved it in front of his face, "Drink it, now." He slowly then took it from my hand and eyed it with a strong hatred, as if it was poison. Finally he brought it to his lips and took small and unsure sips. A sour look overcame his face and he looked at me as if pleading to spit it out. I shook my head. "All of it Thor. You have to drink all of it."

A little whine escaped him and he  quickly drank the rest, finishing off with a dramatic gagging sound. "That was wretched and most evil of sorts!" He cried, slamming the small cup down.

"Thor! Stop being so loud. Indoor voice..." I reminded him for the nth time.

He sneezed a thunderous sneeze and then looked at me sadly. "I'm sorry Lady Y/N...I just was really hoping we would be able to go to the concert together tonight."

I smiled at him. "Thor, it's fine, I can go another time. Okay? You need to rest."

He smiled back at me sheepishly and nodded. "Okay."

I smiled at him again and then made my way out of the room as he started to doze off due to the medicine taking effect. I carefully shut the door behind me and took two steps down the hall when a strong gust of wind blew past me, a silver streak following. The streak suddenly turned back towards me though and then revealed a panting, yet smirking, Pietro.

I shifted all my weight to one hip and rolled my eyes. "Hey Pietro."

"Hej dievčatko. My my! to jednoducho pristane!" He panted with a shameless smirk upon his face. Shivers and goosebumps instantly went down my back and arms, my stomach knotting up with sound.

[Hey baby girl. My my! don't you just look gorgeous!]

Mmmm...never stop talking like that Pietro! Oh dear lawd it sounds so good! So...soft and toxic...

I pushed the thought and rolled my eyes, pushing past him. "English please. You know I don't know Slovak."

Pietro chuckled and sauntered after me. "I said hi. And I heard that Thor got sick and had to cancel taking you out to that concert you've been wanting to since like-"

"Five months ago I think is when you planned it." Tony chimed in proudly, walking up to them from the lab and playing with a device.

Pietro huffed. "I don't remember asking you old geezer."

"Classic." Tony scoffed, giving him a small round of applause. "Now get lost kid- she doesn't have time to babysit."

"Speak for yourself. You're the one who wears a diaper."

Tony lifted a finger angrily but couldn't seem to think of anything else to say. Instead he was probably mentally cursing himself because it was know that can do his 'duties' in the suit. I suppressed a laugh and instead interjected, stepping between both of them before Tony's vein bulged any further and he stroked out.

"Girls! Girls, you're both pretty. Now what's up?" They both took a step forward ready to yell over the one. I held my hands up, "Uh uh uh, one at a time ladies. Please take turns and be nice."

"Age before beauty." Pietro smirked, confident in his idea. He motioned to Tony and leaned against the wall.

Tony just rolled his eyes. "I just wanted to offer to take you up to the concert tonight. I know that you've really wanted to go and if you want I readily have it to where you can get the floor or front row if you wanted. Or if not that, I can get you to meet up afterwards respectively after they meet the other first because I know how you feel about using influence to trample over others. And I could even accompany you, if you would like that?" He offered. I was blown away, it was very kind of him because he actually put it to kind on how I would feel about this. I was honestly flattered. He wasn't smothering me in rehearsed sexiness either- he seemed genuine so I was really impressed.

Before I had a moment longer to even think or reply, Pietro butted in. "And, Y/N, I know that you've been really wanting to go to this and I was just going to offer to take Thors place for you and maybe we could go by the theme park or go out to eat. I don't have the power or money to get you backstage but I can show you an honest good time." He winked. Pietro was a natural flirt. His proposal wasn't as flattering per-say but it was exciting and you did love the theme park, like a lot. I knew Pietro would actually ride the rides with me whereas Tony would not. He might play play the games and pay for everything but I am in it for the adrenaline rush. Moments passed and I was still rolling over their proposals, looking at them both before whining in complete frustration.

"You guys always do this!" I groaned pushing past them.

"What?" They said in unison.

"Tear me apart! You both always fight over me and approach me at the same time and it honestly gives me whiplash." I said hysterically. "I don't know what to do now!"

Suddenly a very loud, obnoxious and mysterious voice interrupted the intense awakened silence. "Dun-dun-DUUUUUUUN. Who will it be!?!"


I am that loud obnoxious and mysterious voice. Please vote:




~ Hannah

AVENGERS PREFERENCES (updates slow)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora