You Hit the 'Sack'

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You were down in the lab with him learning in how to fix up a car. He was lying in his back working on the under side of the car when he summoned you over. "Honey, could you bring me my tools please?" You happily skip over to his tools.

"Need anything else Sugar?"

"Hmmm yes. A kiss for motivation and a shower later...with you of course." You roll your eyes, classic Tony. You walk over to him with the box of tools which was surprisingly heavy. Then you tripped over some dumb wire and out...flew the tools...right smack dab onto Tony's soft spot. First the wrench, then the pliers...and so on...and so forth...poor baby. His instant reaction was to curl in but his was still under the car so as a result he hit his head on the pipes. "Fuck-shit-mother BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!"
Now he has two damaged parts and a large egg on his head. Yeah...Tony is going to really need that kiss.


You two were out playing with Bear, throwing the ball around. Soon the game evolved into baseball though. You were pitching, Steve was hitting, and Bear was catcher. You normal throw underhand but Steve woundn"t stop reading you about and wanted you to pitch him a fast ball. Which you did...It was really fast, unfortunately too fast for little Stevey. You threw that ball as had as you could and it sailed to join its fellow cousins and hit Steve right where the sun don't shine. His screwed his eyes shut and had a slow dramatic fall to the ground that had about five stages of falling- knee, hand, other hand, face, chest. All that was off the ground was his butt. He wasn't able to speak until you two were already home.


You've never hit his. Well...actually a couple, only because you are clumsy, but he always wears a guard for reasons like these so alls good.


Before you had the fanatastic idea of throwing marbles onto the floor when he zoomed you would stick your foot out and attempt to trip him. Only one day your foot was a little higher than anticipated and he wasn't paying attention and ran right into it...ouch to both of ya. A cast for you and a bucket of ice for him. You blamed him and he blamed you. "I can't believe you didn't see that coming." You would say.


It was an honest accident. You two were on a mission together, once it was finished there was destruction and the ambulance came and insisted they check everyone up. Usually after a mission you and Buck would share a steamy kiss at the scene and then go to a hotel and have a romantic evening together. Today though, you were having a checkup instead. Bucky was determined for that kiss though, he strutted his way to you and went to pull you in. Unfortunately though, that doctor had just decided to test the reflex in your leg at the same time and let's just say you relaxes were beyond fine...poor Bucky. He stopped right in his tracks (didn't even double over) his cheeks puffed up with strored air and he held his breath, his face Turing from red to purple. Finally when the pain ceased a little he let the air escape, he sounded like one of the balloons he gave to you on your birthday.


You two were swimming together when he grabbed you from behind into the water. He was going to lift you up and throw you in the air but it terrifies you so you squealed and pushed off of him, kicking your legs rapidly. One of your legs though happened to be too close yo his area so you kicked it with full force. His lips fell into a strained grimace and his eyes grew huge, a vein even popping on his temple. And since Thor had yo keep afloat, he didn't get to roll around and curl in a ball, no he had to continue swimming while holding his bruised nuts.


He'd been gone for a while on a short mission with Natasha, you kisses him dearly. Finally, after a week and a half, he busted through the door (literally cause it was locked) and came marching singing the Jaws theme song. You were currently sitting on the couch and you had no idea what was going on so you did what any girl would do, you hid around the corner with the 'weapon' you had closest (a remote). As soon as you saw his shadow you jumped out screaming like a maniac and chucked your trusty remote towards the downstairs area. As soon as it left your hands you gasped as Clint doubled over and gulped like a fish. He couldn't seem to get enough air and just rolled around clutching his abused balls. You felt so bad and embarrassed, a nervous laugh escaped tour lips before you could stop it, "Bullseye?"


You and Loki went to visit Asgard and you two ended up running around the palace chasing and hiding from one another. Once he found you though he started to tickle you, he wouldn't stop and you really had to pee. You told him to stop but he wouldn't so you squirmed and screamed and kicked...You thought there would at least be some padding there when they have so much armor everywhere else but apparently not because he then silently fell to the floor and didn't move for at least fifteen minutes.

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