Snark and Spark-Tony and Pietro

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When I have two names that means there two guys in the story focused on you btw. :)

"Y/N!" A rush of wind makes your hair fly back as Pietro skids to a stop beside you.

"Hey Pie, what's up?" You stifle a giggle, he had leaves all in his hair. As if noticing, he does a quick shake of his head, the colorful leaves all spiralling to the ground.

He laughs breathingly and scratches behind his ear, his head slightly cocked to the side. "Listen, tonight is the opening of that new restaurant downtown and I was wondering-"

"Ha! Cute! I've got something bigger though." A voice calls. You roll your eyes and look over your shoulder smiling.

"Hey Tony."

"Hey sugar." He says coolly, wrapping an arm around you casually with a crooked grin on his face. Pietro's face hardens, he licks his lips and falls into position "sassy stance".


Tony shrugs off his glare and beams at Pietro. "Hey kid. Shouldn't you be at the tower working with the other recruits?"

"Shouldn't you be at the home with all the other senior citizens?"

Tony chuckles. "Hah, nice try but I'm not that old."

"No, but you sure move like one. I felt like I had to constantly save your ass last mission, you're starting to look rusty old man." Pietro grins shamelessly.

This could go on forever.

So you started walking. They were so into the argument that they didn't even notice till you were already turning around the block. They both called put for you at the same time and you could hear Tony run after you while mumbling curse words about Pietro's speed. Pietro, who's already at your side, is laughing.

"So, Y/N, want to go on t-"

"Date me!" Tony interrupts, jogging to your side panting. "You should go out with me tonight." He says more composed and calm. Pietro rolls his eyes and looks the other way as Tony grins shamelessly at you, a little satisfied 'hmf' coming from his throat.

Pietro mumbled something intelligible but Tony seemed to gear and then next thing you know, there's a huge cat fight taking place five feet behind you.

"Guys!" More grunts a couple thudding impact sounds and finally you'd had enough and marched right to them and yanked their ears. "Girls!" You yell, sounding like a drill sargent.

"I'm not going on a date with either of you."

"What?" They say in unison.

"Yeah that's right." You snap. "I'm going a date with Thor, he asked POLITELY this morning, at breakfast."

"Sparky?" They both asked, you nodded.

Pietro cursed in some language while Tony hung his head and muttered a curse.

"But hey, if you two can get along and ask me nicely, we can go on a date like I am with Thor."

A few mumbled OKs and a couple apologies put a smile on your face and then you were on your way.

Suddenly you hear a yell and Pietro is at your side, holding your hand and placing a kiss on it. "My lovely Y/N, will you please go on a date with me tomorrow?" You smiled and were about to say yes when you hear Tony.



Should I do a part two, or what do you think? Sorry, its not really fluff or feels but I thought it would at least something. Hope you loved it. XD

And honestly, who would you choose?


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