What Your Family Thinks

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Big mistake taking him to the family reunion, you said you were bringing a boyfriend not a sarcastic billionaire! Your grandmas shook their head and you aunt went bonkers becasie she live Tony Stark and was impressed and proud you caught his eye. Your cousins either gave you a whole new respect or envied you and your parents were really iffy about him but your siblings liked him, they thought it was cool to see their big sister all grown up with a billionaire supergero as a boyfriend. Over time though everyone grew to love Tony becasie they could see how much he loved you.

Your father was your only family left but he said your mother would've beamed with pride to known you met such a sweet boy with pure intentions and a kind soul.

Everyone loved him, except your dad though. He just doesn't want to see his little girl get hurt, especially with someone who can't control their anger.

Your family knew it was meant to be, you two's playful banter and caring looks had the family amused and happy, they were glad to see their little girl had finally found someone as childish as herself. They were just dying to know when they were going to become grandparents (after you two marry of course).

He seemed scary at first but he quickly grew on them one they got talking about his values and his past. They had heard about him and did their best to understand, they knew the real him was the guy that was Captain Americas best friend and their daughters boyfriend.

He was really big and loud and talked strange but they loved him from the start never the less.

When they heard that your boyfriend was a prankster like you the had to sleep with one eye open and pray that the dog wouldn't have another heart attack. But they're happy you two found one another.

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