He Asks You Out/Part One

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Youve been working on your mutant genes project for hours and were almost at a breakthrough on how mutant genes develop and such. Suddenly a screen materialized in front of your face, it was a call from Tony. You has been working for him for a year and a half now and a lot of people seem to think he's heads over heels for you, they say the tension is so strong when you two are together and just want you two to hook up. You wanted to ingnore the call so bad but knew you couldn't since he was your boss and all, so hesitantly you accepted.



"I needs you to stop please."

"Why? I'm almost done."

"Okay well as your boss I'm ordering you to stop right now. I have a new assignment for you."

You groaned, "Okay fine."

"Good girl, and I heard that by the way." He chuckles.

"What is it you need?"

There was a pause and suddenly the door opens and Tony is standing there all dressed up, "I was wondering if you would give me the honors in you taking you on a date." You didn't respond right away and your surprised look gave him the wrong idea, "And if you say no then I'm telling you to," he winks.

You and Steve had been friends for over a year now and it was undeniable you had feelings for one another. You've been dying to know when he was going to finally ask you out. Finally the day came, you felt it when he came knocking on your door at 11:27 (yes you remembered the time). You excitedly jumped from the couch and swung open the door, "What's up Mr. America? Ooh what's that?!"

In his hand he held a little basket, "I've been dying to ask you if you wanted to be my girlfriend, I was just waiting for the right time" He smiles. Thats when you realize the date, today was the day you guys met. "Anyway , I wanted to take you on a picnic as a first date somewhere special, that is if you agree to it. So, what do you think? You want to be my girlfriend?" He gives you a cheesy smile and you can't help but giggle. You then throw yourself in his arms nodding, you've never been so happy in your life."

His wasn't sappy or extremely special, pretty standard actually. He was just doing science and you walked in to give him a sand which and then he turned around to grab it, "Thanks y/n," you smile and nod and start to walk out but he suddenly grabs your wrist, "Would you like to go out on a date this evening?"

You've always thought that Pietro liked you only as a friend, mostly because of his childish demeanor. You knew for a fact you've been heads over heels for him since the day he saved you.

It was a normal day and you weren't expecting much, especially being asked out. You were chilling out with Pietro at his house and you guys were just cuddling together watching Netflix, it was nice and you loved spending time with him. You guys had just started The Proposal when he popped another piece of popcorn in his mouth and began to smack in your ear just to make you cringe. He loved messing with you because you always messed around back and knew how to have fun.

You turned around to face him, your face inches away from his, "Stop." You said sternly looking into his silver eyes.

He smirks and lifts his eyebrows, "No." he then teasingly leans into your ear, "Watchya gonna do about it."

A mischievous smile grows on your face as you say, "Popcorn me." He takes a piece of popcorn and pops it in your mouth.

You then begin smacking trying to out smack his own smacking. Then Wanda walks in disgusted, "You guys are such dorks, that's really disgusting."

Finally you had enough and you grab his face and give him an intense stare, "Mister I swear if I hear one more sound of your intolerable smacking I will-"

"What?" He counters, "What will sweet, sweet little y/n do?" He boops your nose and you roll your eyes as he smirks. "Your hugs are the only lethal thing you posess my dear." He says, referring to your bear tight hugs you love to give him.

You both then return to the movie and he snakes an arm around you and pulls you in. You loved this, how comfortable you two were together.

"You know, we should just stop pretending, let's make it real." He suddenly says.

Your eyebrows furrow and you look at him in confusion, "Pietro, what are you talking about?"

"Us." He looks at you, "I'm tired of pretending that we are just friends." He presses his forehead to yours and whispers, a tint of mischief in his voice, "Let's leave tonight. You, me, let's just go out and do everything together, as a couple."

You smile, "Well its about time you caught up, slowpoke."

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