Habits of His You Love

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Huffing and rolling his eyes. Whenever its quiet and he thinks he does this little huff and rolls his eyes or widens them while throwing back his head. Its even more amusing when he's bored, he snaps his fingers and rolls his eyes so much you think they were going to roll out of his head...eww never mind that's gross...

His mouth is always open. He always looks so confused and whenever you look at him his mouth is slightly open as if he is going to say or ask something, he looks absolutely adorable and reminds you of a puppy.

He clucks his tongue whenever he works on an equation and you love the sound. Sometimes you'll do it back and he look at you puzzled and then chuckle.

His randomness. His mind wanders off almost as fast as he can run. He'll just look at you and then tap your nose and say, "Quack." Or he could be zooming around you and poke you saying, "Tag! Youre it!" His randomness never fails to keep you well entertained and happy.

Snuggling. He also loves to hug and kiss you at random times. He'll find a way to cuddle with you no matter what you are doing. You could be cooking and he'll come up behind you and wrap his arms around you and bury his face in your neck, he just loves your presence just as much as you love his.

Playing with poptarts. Yes...he plays with his food...

HA! ITS PRANKS! And, you hate to admit it, you love his cheesy pickup lines.

You love it when he puffs his cheeks and looks up at the sky. He does it whenever he can't find the right words for something. He does a lot when he is around you. "Its because whenever I'm around you I'm at a loss for words." He claims.

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