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"How is he Dr. Fredrigon?" You ask urgently as the surgeon exits from the
O.R. room. You've been sitting as close as they allowed you to the door and waiting for what seemed like ages.

The surgeon curtly nods and stops in front of you and sighs. You immediately begin to panic thinking this meant bad news. "He's stable Mrs. Barnes. No need to worry, everything went perfectly. He'll be fine, just a little exhausted from the surgery. He'll need lots of sleep, no physical activity..." he looks at you sternly, "of any kind." You blush and smile. Suddenly his paiger starts beeping as soon as you hear a huge crash in the O.R room. "I DONT KNOW WHERE I AM!" A crazed man yells...the voice strangely resembles Bucky's...

Immediately the surgeon rushes back into the room leaving alone and confused.


Finally Bucky was released and he was free for you to take home. The doctor had warned you that he might be a little

You waited patiently by the car as the nurses wheeled him out. You heard him before you saw him. "BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABY!"

You thought it was some lunatic being transfered to the loony bin but then the doors opened and you saw your little Buck sitting very inappropriately in the wheelchair. The poor nurses were doing their best to keep him in it but he wouldn't stop flipping around in it. "BABY BABY BABY OOOOH! IM COMING TO YA, IM COMING HOME! AND I'LL MAKE LOOOOOVE TO YOU LIKE YOU WANT ME TOOOO!"

You cringe internally (and physically) as he switched between different songs trying, hence the word 'trying', to sing them to you. When you didn't say anything back he only got louder trying to draw yours (and others) attention. You waved the nurses over and walked to the little deranged man who was your husband. "Hey Buck, you feeling alright?"

Bucky immediately stops his maniac spazing and relaxes immediately, his eyes fixed dreamingly on yours. "Now that you're here precious." He says with a crooked smile. A giggle escaped your lips and you rolled your eyes.

"Alrighty handsome. Let's hit the road."

Before you could stop him he breaks into another song about hitting the road.


"Are we home?"


"How bout now?"


"...Do you think my butt looks big?"

You guffaw and look over at him. "What?!"

"Does my butt look big?" He says impatiantly.

"Why would you ask that?"

He snorts and throws a gesture towards the back seat. "Well the stupid red dwarf said so."

You look in the back seat but all you see is the Elmo sticker stuck on the back window. "Bucky...what the fu-"

"DONT!" Bucky throws his hands out to you face and waves them frantically making you swerve slightly.

"JAMES!" You scream, exasperated.

"You were about to run over that rabbit." He says quietly, looking down in his lap.

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