Ch. 4: Hearses & Hospitals

Começar do início

We arrived at the hospital.

"Don't move." He said getting out of the hearse. He came around to my side, opened the door and carried me in his arms.

"You're so sweet." I said as we entered the hospital.

Eli signed me in and the doctor came out right away.

"You know sir; you can just put her in a wheel chair." He told Eli.

"Yes I know." He replied, "I have to work on my upper body strength anyway."

I smiled.

"Okay come with me," the doctor led us into a tiny room.

Eli sat me on the bed as the doctor examined my ankle.

"What did you do to it?"

"I don't know; I fell over a rock." I explained, Eli started laughing. "It's not funny."

"Well how big of a rock was it? People don't usually fall over rocks." The doctor chuckled a bit, as Eli cracked up.

"Almost as big as my palm." I said, starting to get offended by their laughter especially Eli's.

The doctor kept looking at it. He grabbed my foot and moved it a bit. "Does that hurt?"

"No." I answered. He tapped at my ankle.

"Does that hurt?" He asked again.


The doctor looked at me. "I can take some X rays." He went through some cabinets and pulled out some device and took a couple pictures then left the room.

Eli looked at me. "Do you think they might have medicine here?"

"What kind of medicine?" I asked.

"Like bipolar medicine." He answered.

"Why? Are you upset?" I asked fiddling with my hair.

He nodded.

"Aww poor baby come here." I said in a baby voice.

He smiled, and then came closer.

"What are you going to do to me?"

"Cuddle you."

He blinked at me.

"Come sit on my lap Eli." I joked.

He laughed, and just hugged me but im not taking no for an answer. I yanked him on me.

"I expected that to happen." He stammered.

So here I am, on the hospital bed with Eli Goldsworthy on my stomach. This day can't be any better.

The doctor walked in with a very confused look on his face Eli quickly got off of me.

"Well the good news is it isn't broken, and it isn't sprained. Just don't put all you're pressure on it, have a hot compress applied on it every once and a while, and stay away from big rocks."

I smiled. "Can I walk?"

"I wouldn't suggest walking for about an hour or two." The doctor left the room and didn't come back.

"So your ankle wasn't broken," Eli stated the obvious.

I got off the hospital bed and leaped to the door. "I guess; it hurts kind of."

"Do you need me to carry you again?" He smirked.

I looked at him then looked at my blinking phone.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey! Where are you?" I familiar voice said.

"Um who's this?"

"Imogen remember? Do you still need my help to decorate your room?"

"Oh hi Imogen, there's been an accident I'm at the hospital."

"Oh dear! Are you okay?" She sounded surprised. "What happened?"

"I'm okay; I thought I broke my ankle. But I'm fine I'll be there in about ten minutes."

"Oh okay, I'm here with Adam we're standing outside your door."

What the?

"Imogen; how do you know where I live? And how did you get my number?" I interrogated.

"A wizard can never reveal his secret." She whispered over the phone.

"O-Okay I'm with Eli and we're leaving the hospital now, I'll call you later."

I hung up. Eli looked confused as he always does. I shrugged.

"As I was saying, do you need me to carry you?" He asked. His eyes were screaming please let me carry you.

"If you want- Before I could finish I already noticed myself in his arms.

"Well Blair Willows this is just the beginning of a beautiful friendship." Eli laughed; we walked out of the hospital and into the hearse. We pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road.

I'm Over My Head Book One (Eli Goldsworthy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora