The shadow figure disappears but is replaced by two people.  One an average height female with long, dark purple(almost black) hair styled in two twin-tails and silver eyes.  She wears a long robe-like dress that is deep purple with long, bell sleeves that cover her hands.  At the waist there is a thick ribbon that is black and tied up in a ginormous bow in the back.  The dress ends at the knee with flecks of sliver at the hem.  For shoes she wears black flats.

The second figure is a taller male with jet black hair that is slightly spiky and rather short.  He wears a midnight blue trench-coat with slightly lighter cuffs.  The collar of the trench coat flares out and underneath the coat a black dress shirt can be seen.  He has a simple leather belt with a sheathed sword on his right hip, the sliver hilt shining in the moonlight.  His pants are black and tucked into his midnight-blue boots.

"So, this is the Emerald Knight, pretty disappointing eh~" The girl says in a playful tone
"hmm" The male grunts in return
"I-" I start but am cut off when the space becomes even heavier, pushing my face into the soil
"Hmmm... What to do with you~" I hear the girl say
"You won't get away with this!" I try to say but the grass and soil muffles my voice, making it sound like gibberish
"Huh? What did you say?" the girl asks just as the weight goes away and is replaced by lightness, making me float up into the air.
I spit out the dirt that went into my mouth then contort my face into a scowl, "I said you won't get away with this!"
"Huh? Well" the girl says and a smile, almost as innocent as one of Christina's, spreads onto her face, "I" she says and with a wave of her finger tosses me to the right where I hit an invisible wall, "Don't" with another flick of her finger she tosses me to the left, throwing me into another invisible wall, "Think" tossing me up causing me to hit yet another wall, "So" then finally drops me to the ground
"Stop playing around" the male says monotonously
"ahhh... your no fun Alastair" the girl pouts
"Sun Storm!" I shout as a beam of light shoots towards them
"Reflection" the girl says in a bored tone and the attack instantly shoots back towards me, hitting me straight on
"Phillipia, let's wrap this up. Master is waiting for our presence" Alastair says
"Fine" Phillipia says with an eye roll, "Huh? Where'd her go?" Phillipia asks when she finds that I have disappeared
"Sunflower!" I shout from behind them and small beads of light start to collect around me
"Kidding!" she says and I get stuck in space, "I know my pocket dimensions like the front of my hand!"
"It's the back of your hand" Alastair says, again with no emotion
"But the back of my hand is so boring" Phillipia says

"I agree!" I hear a familiar childish voice say
"That's amazing!  They escaped your Time Hold Alastair!" Phillipia shouts, truly impressed
"Let Dan go. Now!" I hear Amy growl
"No one get's away with hurting our friends!" Piper shouts, "Diamond Storm!" she yells and sharp shards of ice blue diamonds rain down around me
"Hey!  Watch where you throw those things!" I try to shout but the space hold doesn't allow me to move
"I would be careful if I were you" Alastair says and out of the corner of my eye I see that the rain of diamonds has been stopped
"Yup!  One miss fire" Phillipia says and I see as she manipulates the shards so they are all pointed straight at me, "And you'll hit your friend!" then with a snap of Alastair's fingers the shards, now with a new target, are released from their pocket in time and accelerate towards me.
"Feather Storm!" Christina shouts and several silver glowing feathers shatter the shards before they hit me
"Shadow Claw!" Amy and Piper shout in unison.  Piper lunges forward towards the two villains before she becomes trapped in space, suspended in the air.
"Let her go and give us back Rowan and Dan you jerky turkeys!" Christina shouts
"Who are you calling a jerky turkey?!  Your a jerky turkey, jerky turkey!" Phillipia exclaims in a childish voice
"Nuh uh!" Christina shouts back, matching Phillipia's tone
"ahem" Amy and Alastair say in unison, causing the two to glare at each other
"Shadow Warp!" Amy yells and long tubes of shadow mass rush towards Phillipia and Alastair
"Frozen Time" Alastair says in the same monotonous voice "Phillipia, gather the enemy and let's go"
"Flower Face!" Phillipia shouts, ignoring Alastair
"Bird Brain!" Christian shouts back
"Phillipia" Alastair says patiently
"Noodle Head!"
"Pansy Pants!"
"Me-" Phillipia cuts herself off and her eyes widen, as do Alastair's
"Let's go Phillipia" Alastair says and Phillipia nods before looking to Christina with narrowed eyes and sticks her tongue out at her before the two of them teleport off to who-knows-where.

As a result of their departure, both Piper and I are released from our hold in space, Piper falling to the ground.  Also, the pocket dimension dissipates and we are now standing back at the camp.
"We have to get Rowan back" Piper says, jumping right to the point
"Yea!  That girl called me a Noodle Head!" Christina pouts childishly
"But how are we going to find Rowan?" Amy asks, completely ignoring Christina's comment, "We have no leads what-so-ever and even if we did, we would be just throwing ourselves into the fire"
"I don't know about the second part but I do think I can find out where Rowan is" I cut in, "Phillipia, the girl, she uses a more advanced version of my teleportation magic" I explain, "Because we have similar magic, I may be able to trace the remains of the magic from when she used her space hold on me to where Rowan is being held."  I tell them, "I won't be perfect though, there are no guarantees that I will get the exact location, but I can get us close"
"It will have to do, we don't have any other leads" Amy tells me
"For now, let's get a good night's sleep, Rowan will have to wait till tomorrow, if we rush into battle right now then our chances of winning will be slim.  It will be no help to her if we just get captured ourselves." Piper tells us
"I'll take first look-out" I volunteer
"K, I'll take the next shift, wake me when it's my turn" Amy tells me and the three of them walk into the tent to get some sleep.  I hop onto a wooden crate to sit on.

"So, this is the Emerald Knight, pretty disappointing eh~" Phillipia's words echo in my head.
"I have to get stronger..." I mumble under my breath, "I promise, I will get Rowan back and make sure that they all stay safe...  I can't loose them"  I mutter  "I won't make the same mistake twice"

~Flashback to 2 years ago~
"Hey!  I'll be there k!" I shout to my good friend Alifa
"Ha!  You better!" she shouts back as we part ways
*The Next Morning*
*Beep Beep Beep* I groggily wake up and turn off my alarm clock.  I put my glasses on and look at the time.  1o:30.  Shoot!  I must have forgot to change the time on the alarm!  I hastily get dressed and run out of the house to her house a few blocks away.  When I finally get there the place is deserted.  I walk up to the door and there is a note on it.
"We tried to stay for as long as possible.  By the time you read this I will probably be on the plane to Missouri.  Sorry we couldn't say goodbye :("
~End of Flashback~

"I promise, I won't make that mistake again...."

Third Person POV

"Why didn't you capture the second target?" a deep male, demonic voice asks
"We are sorry sir, the three were more powerful than expected" Alastair says
"Don't let it happen again, or else I will be forced to turn you into nothing but magic dust" the voice threatens
"Yes sir" Alastair and Phillipia say in unison
"Did you leave the trace of magic residue behind?"
"Yes sir" Phillipia says
"Good, we would have a problem if they didn't have any trail to follow"  the voice says sadistically.
"The bait is in place sir" Phillipia says and with a wave of her hand an image of the physical body of Rowan can be seen lying in a cot in a small house.
"Soon the we will have enough magic energy to open the gate" the voice says and three keys materialize, one made of silver, another made of stone, and the third made of diamond.  "Annabelle, James, and Daiyu served their purpose well, gaining the magic of the Princess, Empress, and Queen. Now all we need are the magic energies of the Lady and the Knight. Then I will be able to rule over not only this world but the other as well!"

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