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Rosie's pov

I woke up in bed alone, a smell of cheap vodka and cigarette smoke.

I rubbed my face, stretched, as I looked right next to me, seeing an empty cigarette box along with an empty vodka bottle, placed neatly on the counter. I was confused, who could put these stuff?

I sighed as I went to put them in trash, then I looked at something that caught my eye as I teared up, a Polaroid of me and Niall.

The thought of him not being with me is fucking killing me.

It's been one week since I've talked to Niall, or as I can say, cried in his face.

I entered the kitchen, and saw his muscular figure, his tattooed muscular figure.

I accidentally bumped into him, making the bottle fall from my hands, I crouched to bring it then throw it..but his eyes stopped me.

Just looking into his eyes brought every single memory we had in the past 3 years.

I mentally slapped myself remembering he wasn't mine anymore, his face is so pale and tired, I tried to hold back my tears.

"Uh I-I'm sorry"

"It's okay, I was distracted." His raspy voice said.

I threw the wastes and went to see Halsey and Hannah, who called my name.


"Are you okay Rosie?" Asked Halsey

"Sort of, I just bumped into Niall.."


I just nodded, feeling numb.

"You slept well?" Asked Hannah

I shook my head, which was true, I didn't sleep well.

She rubbed my back, I weakly smiled.

Then Halsey opened her mouth and said.

"You ever feel like you can't be with anyone else but that one person inside your mind? Right?"

"Oh yeah, I stayed all night thinking and My thoughts are "I'm scared to be with someone else, to fall I love again and feel new experiences with so one else, I'm preventing myself to feel something new, I feel like I should only be with that one person."

"But who's that person Rosie?"

"Niall" I said without hesitation

"And Luke?"

"After breaking up with Luke, I realized I was just diagnosed, like I dated him to not think about anything else, but I loved Luke, I loved him so much but he showed me a lot of colors that made me quit."

The girls nodded understandingly.

"You're always going to love one person, and it'll never go away.trust me." Said Hals

I nodded

"I doubt one of the scariest thoughts is that, you'll always be loving someone if you're  happy or not, but someday, you'll find that one person, who you can have ups and downs with and get through that, knows your good and dark side, likes you for you, puts you before anyone else, be there for you, cherish all the moments with you and do all the littlest things to make you happy, it's okay to have all these thoughts but don't let it hold you back from new experiences." Added Hannah

"I Know girls but I don't want to be with anyone else, except with Niall, but I'm not ready for such stress anymore."

"Who could imagine the idea of you and Niall being together? I remember the good girl Rosie who didn't want to hear the name of the dangerous guy Niall horan, but look at you now, you're craving for his love, time changes people."said Halsey as Hannah nodded.

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