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Third person
Luke's words never left Rosie's mind, was he really in love with me? She used to think.
But that didn't matter, she had a perfect boyfriend who'd jump on stars just to make her happy, and she was thankful for that.
Now, we have Niall, who's getting suspicious and curious, but his trust for his girlfriend never faded, he trusts her, that's what matters. Right?
And about Luke? Luke is all about himself now, he's relieved and sad, between paradise and hell, he always wanted something, but he knew he couldn't get it.
Anyway, months has passed, Niall and Rosie are stronger than ever, Luke is out of town at moment, and the rest? Busy with their stuff and with the surprise coming up.
Niall's pov
Months has passed, and Rosie and I are still the same, ofcourse we had some downs, but that brought us closer.
Today's 9 February, a day where everything will change, where I'll take a "life changing decision" that I'm sure I won't regret, today is the day where I can finally achieve my goal, end my bucket list.
Today is the day where I'll propose, to the love of my life.
Hope everything's work out.
Rosie's pov
I woke up in an empty bed, again.
It's been months since Luke and I had our last conversation, and right after we talked, he went back to Sydney.
I rubbed my eyes and went to bathroom.
After getting out, I heard Hannah shouting at the top of her lungs while entering my room.
"Dressed for what?"
"Oh dear lord- HALSEY COME IN HERE"
Okay what's going on?
"What's wrong Hannah?" Halsey said as she entered, nearly out of breath.
"The lady right here, is not dressed and we don't have fucking time!"
"Oh shit."
I didn't bother to ask what's happening so I obliged their orders.
Showered? Check.
Chose outfit? Check.
Makeup done? Check.
"The boys will be here soon." The girls announced.
I still hadn't get any call from Niall and I'm getting worried.
I'm pissed off too, I mean I just woke up to get fucking dressed for god knows why!
I watched the girls whispering stuff as I sat there thinking, wow, four years has passed too fast.
I remember first being the shy girl, who never cared about love, who puts much effort on studying more than anything, who never attended a party before, who wasn't into bad boys, who wanted a perfect life.
And I look at myself now..
A lot has changed in the past years, a lot of tears were shed and laughs were heard.
I finished my coffee and looked at the girls who jolted up and took my hand.
"What's happening?"
"You'll know soon." They both answered.
I sighed as we heard a knock on the door, the girls screamed, it was the boys, all of them, including Luke.
But someone was missing, Niall.
We walked into our cars silently, I asked about Niall but they didn't answer me.
Ooooooookay... I thought.
We arrived a green field, there was candles and flowers and some beautiful stuff I can't describe.
The boys stood still along with the girls, but I moved a bit.
I kept walking as I stopped.
There was Niall, with a suit and a tie, covering his tattoos, his hair was in the perfect quiff.
I was fascinated.
"You know how some people have a place where they run to when they're upset because the view is so wonderful and comforting and relaxing? You're my place.
We were born on different days, and we'll die in a different day, anything can happen in one day and today is the day."
He said as he approached slowly, tears were forming in my eyes.
"I didn't want to fall in love, not at all, but at some point you smiled, and holy shit, I blew it.
It's you, it's been you since the moment I met you, its you at 2 am and 4 pm, it's you when I'm sleeping and singing and eating and laughing, you were everywhere and you are everything. My everything.
I want to be with you, I just want to be with you, if I could hold your hand for the rest of my life, I'd never be scared again. I want to hold you tight, and I want to tell you every second how much you mean to me, because nobody has ever loved me more, I want to be able to help you and make you smile, just like you make me smile."
Now, he was holding my hand, my forehead on his, our eyes glued on each other.
"If I could marry you now, believe me I would, because for the first time in my life I feel loved and understood, you turned things around, and when I felt like I had nothing left, you always found the good, so why not?"
He pulled away, my eyes were still glued with his, I watched him as bent on his knees.
"Rosie Anne Richards, will you be mine forever and marry me?"
I stood there letting the tears drop, my makeup would be smudged but I didn't care.
I looked at him and breathed.
"Yes, I'd marry you."
He slipped the sparkling ring in my finger, his smile was wider than the ocean, he pulled me into him and kissed my face, our lips moved in the perfect sync, just like the first time.
I heard screams at the back, I looked at the guys and laughed.
I hugged Niall tight and looked into his oceanic blue eyes.
"I can't believe I'm gonna be mrs. Horan, I love you."
"I love you way more, now let's go celebrate, Rosie Horan."
Rosie Horan.
I hugged the lads and headed to the club, we partied all night long.
Then I got a letter..
It's been a long time.. I thought.
I opened it and read;
" does his laughter warm your body from the inside out? He knows that when you say two scoops means three, right? Do you dance in his living room while drinking cheap wine? I hope so, and I hope you're both drunk and terrible and laughing so hard you cry.
Does he tell you how beautiful you are, and if yes, does he say it when the morning light falls upon your face? More importantly, when he tells you, do you believe him? Can you cry infront of him? I hope you can, that means you trust him.
When it's pouring rain does he know if your hair is curled or your eyes are sad that means he should get the car and bring it to you? When he asks you what you want for dinner and you say you aren't hungry, does he asks if you've eaten today? And when you say you had breakfast, and makes you a bowl of rice, because that's your favorite comfort food.
Does he kiss you good morning? Good night? Just because? Do you know he likes his coffee black? Unless he wants it cooled, then he will probably want some milk with it, but not too much.
Have you figured out he's ticklish? Don't let him convince you he's not, I promise you he is.
Have you frustrated the hell out of him yet? You will, oh you will, but it's how you two come out of it that matters. And when he said he loved you in the very first time, did you respond by asking if he's afraid of heights? I hope with my entire soul that he said yes because that means, despite his fear, he fell for you.
Now, darling tell me, is he the one?
Love, Mom."

I crumbled the paper and whispered.
"Yes mom, he is."

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