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Luke's POV
Today's the date , and I'm excited , but after the party, Niall came and punched me and told me to stay away from Rosie, but I can't, she's gorgeous, from the moment I saw her I fell in love with her, but Niall will kill me, I'm stuck..
I wore a black nirvana t shirt with black jeans and black vans, I took my wallet , phone and keys and drove to Rosie's place.
I knocked on her door, she was stunning, her black dress turned me on, damn
She's beautiful.
"Hey babe" I said and kissed her cheek
"Hey luke" she said as she hugged me
"Ready to go?"
She nodded as I took her hand.
"M'lady" I said gently
She giggled and mumbled thanks
I got into the car and turned on all time low's music and "Bad For You" was on
Rosie turned down the volume and said:
"You really like this music?"
"Yeah, why?"
"No nothing , it's just loud, I don't listen to this kind of music"
Then I switched the radio and Ride by Somo was on.
Damn I love that song, it reminds me of many stuff, pervert much? You saw nothing.
We arrived the Italian restaurant and held her hand.
"Reservation under Hemmings."
"This way sir"
I smiled at Rosie as she returned the smile.
We sat on the table and started talking about ourselves, she's South African and American, her parents died when she was 6 and she lived with her best friend Hannah.
She passed through many stuff that wanted to commit suicide but she couldn't.
She's so strong, and I knew she's a writer and a stylist.
I told her about my self and she listened carefully, just looking at her makes me smile.
But Niall's in the middle and I don't know what to do..
Should I dump her or stay with her?
Tell her about Niall or not?
This sucks.
Rosie's POV
Luke's a great guy but Niall never left my mind..
Luke told me about himself as he made a very sweet gesture
But from inside I'm stuck
Now luke and I left the restaurant and we went to a garden..
He said there's a surprise, I got excited.
We arrived the garden as luke got a guitar.. Okay interesting
He started playing the Rhythm of  kiss me by ed sheeran, it's my favourite song.
Settle down with me
Cover me up
Cuddle me in
Lie down with me
And hold me in your arms.
As luke sang the last line, he grabbed my face and connected our lips, I have to admit Luke's a good kisser and I felt some sparks but not as the sparks I felt with Niall
When we stopped, tears dropped down my face like rain
He made all these sweet stuff for me.
Even though I don't deserve it.
" Rosie Anne Richards, will be my girlfriend?"
With out hesitation I said:
"Yes luke, I will"
We smiled and continued kissing.
It was just me and him.
After luke dropped me off, I felt guilty and happy a bit..
I was about to open the door
As I heard a whisper saying
'Mine not his'
And with that everything went black..

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