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Rosie's pov
After Niall told me about his life, I quickly remembered mine, although Both of the stories were different, yet we dealt with the same rough time..
I was with Hannah and the girls, today I was having my first interview, and  The 1D boys, 5sos' boys and Hals were performing.
The doorbell rang, I get up and welcomed Lou and Caroline, they're gonna do our makeup and choose the outfits obviously.
I told my Caroline and Lou i wanted my style to be soft grunge. Trust me, if you hang out with Halsey, you'll change.
Everything was set, my outfit, make up and everything, I was interviewed by Julianna Rancic, on E! News, I was so nervous but she was so sweet.
I kissed Niall the good luck kiss and hugged the lads.
The interview started..
" Hi, everybody! I'm Julianna Rancic, and today we have a special Rising star, she doesn't sing or dance and don't act, but she writes, she helps and she's so caring! So please welcome Rosie Richards!"
I entered and hugged Julianna then took my seat.
"Hello Rosie!"
"Hi" I said breathlessly
"How are you? You seem nervous!" She laughed
I laughed as well and said
"Honestly I am nervous! I mean this is my first tv interview!"
"So Rosie, What made you write, or When you discovered your talent?"
"Well, when my parents died, I was like 6 years old, at their funeral, I wrote my speech by myself, when I read my speech, my relatives said that I was talented, I never realized that until now." I laughed.
"I'm sorry about your loss Rosie, I bet your parents are in better place now, and it's so amazing like no one can imagine a 6 year old child could be so deep"
I nodded and smiled, I looked Niall who was backstage looking at me with a reassuring smile.
"Rosie I heard you're not single right?"
"Well yes I'm not single, I'm in a relationship.."
  I Smiled and continued
The interview went amazing and the performances were epic! John looked at us proudly! Oh I forgot! The 5sos' boys just released their first EP!
We worked so hard, we were a great team.
We headed home and cooked for the Guys cause they were hungry, they ate and cleaned while I sat and read "looking for Alaska for the 2nd time and I'm not bothered.
I was in half the 23rd page as Two hands covered my eyes
I removed the hands and stood up, it was Niall.
I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"We're going grocery shopping, you and me okay?"
"What If I didn't want to?" I smirked
"Oh well  I won't kiss you for a week"
"I'm going to get dressed."
I can hear him laughing with Luke
I wore a sweatpants with a tank top and some nikes
We got out of the apartment as the paps took photos of us and some of them were rude but we ignored them.
We entered the market, and bought the diary milk, fruits, vegetables and some house cleaners, I bought pads for emergency and some snacks.
I was about to get a box of tissues as I bumped into a woman..
I helped her with her bags, as Niall helped too.
I got up and looked at her, she widened her eyes, I was confused    

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