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Rosie's POV
It's been a month since the kidnapping thing and I haven't heard anything from Niall, today me and the lads are heading to club, surprisingly I'm going to a club haha.
The girls were at mine and Hannah's apartment getting ready, I'm gonna wear a black lace mid- thigh dress with some black pumps, my hair will be down, with a light make up.
When me and the girls were done, Halsey called Michael to pick us up.
We arrived quickly to the club, luke was waiting at the club doors, he welcomed me with kiss, I kissed back and entered, the club was full and the music was so loud that my ear drums were about to explode!
Luke held my hand tightly as we sat on some couch, luke wanted me to sit on his lap and I did, but I missed niall.
Halsey and Hannah forced me to dance with them and I did. As I danced I can see luke turned on, I wanted to tease him as I danced in a very sexy way, while I was dancing I felt my phone buzzing.
It was Niall.
My heart dropped
I told the girls it was niall and I had to answer
They froze.
I patted their shoulders and rushed to the bathroom, luke noticed and I mouthed that I need to pee, he nodded.
As I entered the bathroom I answered.
"Hey baby girl"
"Hi Niall"
"Nice dancing, I was turned on"
"Turn around"
As I turned around I saw him.
His blue eyes piercing through mine, I gasped.
He started coming closer as I walked backwards, he kept moving until I was pinned against the wall.
"Missed me?"
I gulped then nodded
He chuckled as he nuzzled his face into my neck and whispered
"Great, I missed you baby"
He started kissing my neck and sucking on it, moans left my mouth. He looked at me then said:
"You thought well?"
I nodded terrified
"What you chose?"
"I accept the deal" I stuttered
"Why are you stuttering? Do I scare you?"
"A bit"
"You shouldn't be scared of me, I'll never hurt you"
I hugged him tightly then looked at him
"I have to go, Luke's might be waiting"
He nodded then kissed me passionately
"Bye baby girl"
"By Niall"
And with that he disappeared.
My breath hitched as I went back and sat next to luke.
"You okay baby?"
"Yeah Lukey I am"
"I love it when you call me Lukey"
We laughed and shared a kiss as Calum snapped a picture of us
"Calummmmmmm" we both whined then laughed.
I placed my head on Luke's shoulder and holding his hand.
I'm mean, how could I break this guy's heart, he's incredible
We partied till we were high
Me and Hannah got into the apartment and went to bed and drifted into a deep sleep.

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